I have a question or two…

Image by BarBus from Pixabay

When we elect an official to hold any office, from Dog Catcher to President of the United States, local, state or national, and that office requires said elected official to abide by the duties set out in the US Constitution, plain as peas in your mashed potatoes; where is the point you reach that you can literally take the person, and throw him or her, out on the court yard, put in the pillory, and start throwing pies at him?

We already know, beyond any reasonable doubt, that this sick clown who resides in 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC, is being guided by an ideology that does not follow anything that the Constitution guides a president to do, in faithfully executing his official duties. Impeachment is a function of Congress, and we are supposed to be represented by those guys and gals. The People have to wait two years to elect, re-elect or not participate in our government’s make up.

Since the 2020 election, which I still maintain was stolen, by several means, we have a president who has gone against the Constitution by, Executive Action, which is not intended to usurp power from those in the Legislative Branch, but is frequently used expressly for that purpose. Unconstitutional! The problem is that it is being used in a manner, intentionally, to cause harm, rather than good, for a select few groups, like the Climate Change crowd, the Marxist crowd and the Socially Unfit crowd, to destroy everything good, not only in the USA, but everywhere else on the planet. Is not faithfully abiding by your oath a high crime, or misdemeanor?

Some states and countries have “Recall Election” mechanisms built in to their constitutions. We don’t, and that’s ashamed, because that allows a tyrant, dictator or 80 year old moron with an arrogance and an attitude that whatever he wants, or whoever holds onto his puppet strings, is just allowed to run with no checks or balances, and intentionally cause gas prices to take off like a Saturn V rocket, “because he can!”

Sorry, but I just don’t understand why there isn’t a battle cry, to oust this old fool from office, right now. Thomas Jefferson had a few words to say about dissolving and re-forming governments. I’ve really never understood this, and have held this attitude for decades.

All this “stuff” about teaching our kids, literally crap, when it comes to letting your child inform you who they think they are, is nonsense. Playing ping-pong with permitting a pipeline should be a criminal act, and should never be held hostage by one man, much less a changing bureaucracy. Where in the Constitution does it give the president the right to make law, by Executive Order, something these arrogant fools have been calling Executive Actions? It doesn’t.

Managing agencies is what Executive Orders was always intended for, not for making law. That makes every law that crept in the Federal Register, via Executive Order, an unconstitutional act, and completely unjustifiable and unenforceable. Yet, we were forced to give up our gold, by an Executive Order, “From the Desk of Franklin D. Roosevelt,” in 1933, with no such law enacted, until the day President Gerald R. Ford repealed it. That took a long time to reverse.

But I maintain that a two year long period of tyranny by edict is already too long. Look at how far two years into one presidency has damaged the lives of potentially millions of US Citizens, and all we have to counter it is to wait and hope that the next Congress “Might” consider impeaching. That leads me to another question.

Is there room for impeaching an entire administration, in one setting? I’m sure someone is going to say a resounding “No”, and I reject that. But, if that can’t be done, we are stuck with “Buffoon Number Two” filling the current void of brains to take up where the last one left off. How does that make you feel? I think that little bomb was intentionally laid, in order to keep everyone fastened in their seats, so the destruction could continue another two or so years. Remember that Joe “Buffoon” Biden said that, in the event that he and Lady Kamala had a disagreement, he would resign.

It is time for a Convention of States, or a civil war, or just more of the same. Is there even a choice? Just remember that when one ideology takes the reigns and starts putting a swamp in place, that there is not much you can do about it, until you decide to look at those choices. Personally, I want that Convention of States, before it is too late. I can’t imagine the other two as much of an option.

Where is Monty Hall? Which door to pick?

I want my country back! Houston, we have a problem.


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1 thought on “I have a question or two…”

  1. All true & we knew years ago this guy was a waste! Just watching Brandon…sorry…Biden Joe as a senator conduct questions (if you can call it that) of Repub nominees to SCOTUS years ago sadden me with his gross disrespect to these future supreme court judges!

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