A Political Party Gone Whack

Image by chayka1270 from Pixabay

      What happens when one major political party loses its collective mind?  What are the consequences when the leaders of such a party drift far from the reality the rest of society lives in, to a world that can only be described as bizarre, strange, surreal, whack?  What does such a departure into delusion look like to those still grounded in reality?  Well, look no further than today’s Democrat Party.  When you do, you will behold that which was unimaginable just a few short years ago.  And leading that procession of foolishness?  President Brandon, of course.


      The evolution of today’s Democrat Party is the equivalent of Dr. Frankenstein’s monster killing him.  What he thought was once inventive, wonderful, and unique, he lost control of.  Likewise, the fringe of the former Party of Slavery is now the majority of that party because that fringe has killed that which created it.  Ronald Reagan famously said that he didn’t leave the Democrat Party, it left him.  If you disagree, you must leave.  Today’s Democrats won’t debate you if you disagree with them.  They’ll destroy you instead.  Millions of Americans feel the same way Reagan felt and are fleeing the monster created by Dr. Democratstein.


      Brandon, The Great Uniter, has indeed united us but not in the way he planned.  He has united Americans against him and his monster.  Our pitchforks and torches will be felt in November, if we have honest elections (that’s a big IF).  He doesn’t know it (or pretends not to) but his old base, Blacks and Hispanics, are now picking up those pitchforks and torches.  But he and his minions seem oblivious to the obvious.  As Americans suffer with low supplies and high prices Joe Biden continues to pass the buck to everyone else – Putin, OPEC, Republicans and even his own staff, anyone but Joe.  His stupid policies hurt everyone, not just Republicans.  Harry Truman, where are you?


      The Hair Sniffer in Chief and his party don’t seem to care much for children when Joe is not sniffing them.  His disaster of an administration is hurting children in the womb, when they’re born, with formula shortages, and when in classrooms with gender nonsense and no protection from mass shooters.  In the wake of the Uvalde school massacre, his amateur hour spokesmouth, Jean-Pierre, said Brandon is not in favor of making schools more secure against shooters.

“I know there has been a conversation about ‘hardening schools.’ That is not something [President Biden] believes in,”

Oh really.  Too bad kids, learn how to better hide under your desks.  If we lose you to another shooter, Brandon will just have to find another kid to sniff.


      Rather than focusing on protecting innocent children and prosecuting criminals, the joke that is the president would rather attack law abiding citizens and our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms.  Like the party he leads, he doesn’t believe in our Constitution.  He doesn’t believe in our God-given right of self-defense.  According to him, the 2nd Amendment does not really mean what it plainly says.  He says it’s not absolute.  Of course, the right for children to get gender mutilation surgery and puberty suppressing drugs without parental notification or consent is absolute.    His national gun control speech Thursday night was so outlandish, so outrageous, and so unConstitutional, a well-respected journalist, Mollie Hemingway, called his statements impeachable.

      We always knew Joe was in the running as one of the dumbest Senators in history, but he’s really surpassing our low expectations, along with his entire party.  As if they didn’t get the clear message from parents in Virginia in November, he continues to push gender wokeness in schools.  Parents across the fruited plain are waking up to the nightmare that our schools have become and are finally making their voices heard.  Brandon is obviously hard of hearing.  A recent Harris-Harvard poll bears this out.  From Breitbart:

“A late May Harvard-Harris poll found that 59 percent of Americans believe children should be called the pronoun that aligns with their biological sex, and 60 percent believe preferred pronouns are an excessive measure that does more to confuse kids about their sex.”


      Regardless of parental concerns, the Demo-whack party continues to push the perverted LGBTQI+-/&#@? (did I miss one?) movement even at the Department of Homeland Security.  Rather than doing his job and enforcing our border laws, the hapless DHS Secretary Mayorkas is busy virtue signaling by saluting the raising of the porn flag at DHS HQ.  I guess we know where his true loyalty lies, with the frozen fruits and mixed vegetables community.      

DHS Sec’y Mayorkas


      Like the California school teacher, Kristin Pitzen, who last year had removed the U.S. flag from her classroom and encouraged her students to salute the porn flag instead, Mayorkas is more comfortable doing that.  Pitzen and those like her who infest our schools are the biggest argument against letting schoolteachers have weapons in class.  Putting guns in the hands of kooks is too dangerous.


      The Prez’ party is so out of touch with the country and its own base that a Republican is now leading in the polls in the Oregon governor’s race.  Have they gotten too whacky for even one of our whackiest states?  Time will tell.  The pendulum appears to be swinging back to normalcy. 


      Has the Democrat Party gone too far?  Has it pushed the boundaries of decency beyond what we are willing to accept?  Maybe we really do know what a woman is.  Matt Walsh, podcaster with the Daily Wire, has a new film out that is a must see, entitled “What is a Woman”.  So apropos, especially right after our latest addition to the Supreme Court refused to acknowledge she even knows what a woman is because she’s not a qualified biologist.  This is the gutter level that the Democrat Party has dragged us down to.  Remind me again where all those feminist groups are?

      Perhaps the Democrat Party will go the way of the Whigs.  We can hope so, but I hope not.  Yes, the Republican Party has its share of RINO’s but it is for the most part, the party of conservatives, or as close as we can come to it.  It’s nice to have two distinct parties, one based in reality, and one based in the 3 F’s – Fantasy, Fiction and Fairy Tales.  Go woke.  Go whack.




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7 thoughts on “A Political Party Gone Whack”

  1. All the people who have gone this route, and made their stupid declarations about gender, and having used hormone replacement therapy to emasculate boys, goes to prove Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s theory about stupidity, rather than just starting out as evil.

    Doing the work of an evil ideology, one child at a time.

    • It’s gotten as bad as what Bonhoeffer witnessed. Some parents are willingly sacrificing their own children at the altar of Transology.

      • I’m starting to wonder, which side is more the new Cult of Moloch between them and the abortionists… admittedly, there’s plenty of room for overlap in the Venn Diagram of Leftist tribes.

        First thing we need to do once we take our country back, reopen the asylums and start getting these people the inpatient psychiatric care they need…

  2. Excellent article!

    I would add that Conservatives must be alert to the next (upcoming?) “fake” national crisis before the midterm elections that will be designed to deflect attention, in any way possible, from what is going on in our country! …democrats will commit ANY atrocity to try and stop Americans from bringing our country back to normalcy and restore the values and morals that made this country great.

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