Remaining as one of the more popular topics that Republicans discuss, at least between articles from various Republican sites, is whether or not Trump should run, in 2024. No need to name names, because most are seemingly reasonable approaches and others are throwing out possibilities to continue Republican leadership. It is kind of disheartening, however.
Myself? I think if he decides, and I believe he has, he should be the nominee, no matter what. By my saying that, I am not dissing Ron DeSantis, or any other potential candidate. I just don’t believe I have seen any other potential candidate try to take on the mess known as our country as Donald Trump has, and he is a bit more battle hardened now, so go for it, President Trump.
Name me one presidential candidate who has been more battle tested than Trump. The battles he has overcome, and come out smelling like a rose, make what Ronald Reagan had to go through, look pale. I actually like what Trump achieved better than Reagan, and Trump ran as a Reagan Republican, so I’m not criticizing Reagan one iota. Trump’s tax cuts produced more for more people, in a much shorter time frame than the ones Reagan got through. In fact, the 86 TEFRA law only kept a more status quo, and it made certain depreciation laws slow down sectors of our economy, but Reagan never had what Trump had, if only so briefly: a supposedly consolidated government, made up of a majority Republican Congress, but not long enough. If he had kept the majority, we would have never seen the mess we are currently in. Reagan never had that, and had to work out everything he accomplished as a compromise. Tip O’Neill saw to that, as did his successors in the House, back then. Remember where “Make America Great Again” came from? Ronald Reagan.
I read an article, this morning that had a bit of a potential spin against Ron DeSantis that I found disheartening, mainly because I can’t digest it. It was saying that DeSantis is being groomed by people who don’t want any part of a Trump 2024 campaign, success or not. Sounds like the Romney portion of the Party, or even those Kristol so-called conservatives could be playing games, because DeSantis will get the same treatment that Trump will get, only Trump has the battle hardening on his side.
We need to face the certain reality in front of us, right now, that the Democrat Party is taking our country down a very dark path, to the point of extinction, which makes us vulnerable to attacks many have not considered. what we need most is a leader who is capable of leading and Donald Trump has shown himself to be that leader, no matter what one can drum up about his tweets. Everything that man has claimed has come to pass, and found to be accurately portrayed. That’s why the left wants him gone.
As to Ron DeSantis, I like that man. A lot! I think he is the right kind of leader to follow and make what Trump started, last and expand on. I also think we need to quit giving up before we start. Every time something good happens, something bad is portrayed by the media and the left, and we just get distracted. If you think about that, that’s a huge part of the problem we are in, today.
Bernie Kerik, a friend of Trump’s, and former New York Police Commissioner, is worried that Trump’s next problem may be a bullet. He is worried that, because the left will never give up on ridding the country of Trump, because “Orange Man Bad”, that they might even try to assassinate him. I can see them doing that. I also see Trump saying “It just makes me more energized. Do it at your own peril, Democrats!” Every time the left makes up another hoax and uses it against Trump, if you haven’t seen Trump’s base get stronger and deeper for him, you aren’t paying attention. He started a movement, a silly sounding, but highly effective one, that just happens to include blacks, whites, hispanics, asians and even more. That is what is tearing the Democrats to pieces. His endorsements bear that out, as well. I don’t recall the exact number, but there are only less than a handful who have not beaten their challenger, in primary races. Something like 175 wins to 2 or 3 losses. He has built the Party in a very proactive conservative direction, like no other, since the Gingrich Contract with America.
If Trump wants to be the candidate, he should be the candidate. All the left will accomplish, if they keep Trump from running is start a war between the two parties, and I’m not talking about a war of words. Trump is good for the fight. He is battle hardened.
And I’d hate to hear that the left actually did try to assassinate him. Talk about unleashing the dogs of war…
Don’t rule out that possibility. Just remember who John Wilkes Booth represented: Democrats! So there is a precedent.
These truly are times that try mens’ souls.
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If Trump runs, he runs. If he doesn’t, he doesn’t. The same goes for everyone else.
Short of having political warfare understood with something approaching the US military’s deep knowledge of how to fight a kinetic war and win as they did in Gulf War 1, I believe in letting the primary and electoral processes do what they are designed to do and that is to let the candidates self-select and let the voting represent the voice of the people, if that’s an opinion then so be it.
I expect that is what will happen. It should happen.