Janet Yellen Wrote A Letter

     Warning that if the debt limit is not increased, by around Thursday, bad things would begin to happen, and they affect you and I, because the government is going to protect itself, not you and I. Besides, the government has never protected you and I, nor could it ever. That was always an illusion, or a delusion.

     Like all those who voted in that 1.7 trillion dollar vacation getaway, right before the end of the last Congress, I have not seen the letter, but I have seen some evidence of what it said, the same old veiled threat re-imagined into taking away the veiled part. This woman, Janet Yellen, who famously said we were not in a recession, who also said that our economy was just fine, and has said so much word salad, as long as she gets hers, warned that civil service pensions, military pensions, and eventually Social Security, and yes, my Railroad Retirement might get taken away, or at least robbed, to some extent. I’m going to quit trashing old women who have good government jobs, who have to write such dire warnings, now, so rest. Janet. It just happened to be your letter that charged me with writing this. What she doesn’t understand is that if everyone’s salary and benefits were seized by the US Government, it still wouldn’t pay off the debt. When that happens, there is nothing left to make the country start back up. That is how stupid these people we trusted are. They will panic, steal and punish everyone else, and it will be what kills them off, just as fast as us. I haven’t heard of anyone leading a charge against any of this, so I guess we will just let things happen. So be it.

     I’ve been seeing currents of debt crisis, like all of us have, for years, if not decades, and yet the government keeps on like it’s nothing. Well, they chaanged their tune, and just might be about to start robbing in a way the the IRS only dreams of. I don’t(yes I do, really) know if the seizures will be right away, supposedly around June of this year, if the debt limit is not increased this week, but we’ve entered a new era of wording, maybe even action, from our own federal government. Let’s see how Karine Jean-Pierre spins this one. I’m sure it will be just maahvelous.

     Can you imagine the government doing this, after decades of lying to us about economics and debt, and how groovy our government is handling “its finances”? We have been saying forever that the government has no clue, but to require that we balance “our budgets”, pay “our taxes”, but hey!, not the government. And Mitch McConnell going along with the Democrats over that 1.7 trillion vacation bonus for the government, that no one had the slightest clue what was in it, but the ones who wrote it, because he wanted it passed before the Republicans took control of the House. Some friend of the Republican Party that Republican he is.

     Right now, after having absorbed all that I saw last night, about Yellen’s letter, all I can say is I am a mixed bag of spiritual, political and family concern. I’m already convinced we are at or very near the End Times, written in the Book of Revelation. But, for some pretty dumb false reasoning on my part, I never thought, after having lived through one good president, who got the economy running on all eight cylinders, that we could see the great fall off the cliff like we have recently witnessed. I’m ready for the End Times, no matter which way I go, but I have a desire for the heavenly one, not the fiery one, but this is a very sad testament to what we were founded with and by. Our nation will be judged, maybe it is being judged already.

     It’s not that I might not see my pension; I don’t really care, because when that time comes a whole lot of other things will have happened, and the entire country will suffer, greatly. I’m just amazed and ashamed of how things went so wrong, in so short a time. Yeh, my family is prepped up with food, but you can only prep for everlasting life by seeking repenting and to the one true God, Jesus Christ, and I am still working on that, we all should. This government we have is nothing more than plain evil. All it does is consume. I think we have the answer no one wanted to find out, about our great government, all the politicians who contributed to the last days of the republic, I wonder how many of that bunch will even think about how their role played in the death of America.

     Something else I think I may understand better, now, is that pistol brace ruling from the ATF. It just might be that they don’t care what we think, either, and they will just start setting land mines against the people who “used” to pay their salaries and benefits. What’s next, Martial law? We all knew this was coming. We trusted the wrong people. We did nothing to stop this. If you think we did, that is a delusion you have. Evil stole two elections in a row, and we are now reaping what they sowed.

     Maybe I’m just crazy. If you think that, okay. That proverbial can has been kicked so far down the road that it ain’t able to be kicked, any more. Someone achieved their goal. This wasn’t by accident. If it was, they would never had admitted it in a letter. Thanks for the love letter, Janet.

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1 thought on “Janet Yellen Wrote A Letter”

  1. Well, I have been hearing on the radio news that what I said they would threaten, they are threatening, if those meanie Republicans don’t come to heel. Social Security, Civil Service, the TSP savings plan, all other kinds of forced belt tightening, of the variety that it will hurt us more than it will them. Kinda like city hall threatening shutting police and fire services if they can’t get that tax increase.

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