I’m a Threat to Democracy – Luckily, We’re a Republic

I saw this coming. Merrick Garland has officially designated me a threat to America – and he hasn’t even seen my Gadsden flag yet. But I have been critical of the job he’s doing. Therefore, I must be a traitor, and the Attorney General made his case with a bit of pompous hyperbole.

Merrick Garland made his way to the microphones and said:

Some have chose to attack the integrity of the Justice Department by claiming that we do not treat cases alike. This constitutes an attack on an institution that is essential to American democracy… Nothing could be further from the truth.

Let me translate. An attack on his department is by extension an attack on American democracy.

Um, no. Criticizing the DOJ is not an attack on democracy, but weaponizing the DOJ against is citizens is an attack on our republic.

Saying that critical words are a threat to our country is silly on its face – and a lazy attempt to avoid debate. Saying our country is a democracy is either dangerously ignorant, or willfully deceptive coming from the man sworn to defend our republic. Whether ignorant or deceptive, it explains much about Garland’s leadership of the Department of Justice.

A democracy is a government ruled by the will of the majority. Need to raise taxes? Everybody votes to decide. Need a declaration of war? Head to the ballot box. A crime has been committed? Gather the people, get a rope, and light a bunch of torches. Democracy is a non-offensive term for mob rule.

A republic on the other hand is a representative form of government. Representatives make government decisions, and are bound by a charter – which in America is our Constitution. Government officials are constrained by rules and individuals are protected by due process.

A democracy is an instrument of the mob. Our republic is designed as a protector of the individual.

Our founders were students of history. They knew that no attempt at democracy had ever survived the 51 percent learning that they could loot the 49 percent by simple vote. Benjamin Franklin famously said:

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.

That was an insightful observation about both democracy and individual rights. The two cannot coexist. He understood that rule by democracy, is rule by the mob. Even the innocent may be condemned, should the mob decide it is expedient to their ends. Individual rights are of no consequence in a democracy.

That’s why America was created as a republic. Our elected leaders are to represent our interests, while moderating the passions of the mob. They’re supposed to do what’s best for us, even if we’re collectively throwing a temper tantrum. Our representatives have broad latitude for independent decision making between elections, but are constrained by the Constitution to

  • Protect our individual rights – not social justice,
  • Advance equality – not equity,
  • Promote justice – not law enforcement, and
  • Prevent government overreach – the slide into tyranny.

It is the charter under which they are authorized to work independently, but accountably. They are answerable to us, without becoming a weapon of the mob. Our representatives are supposed to be the adults in the room.

The system worked until we started electing children – like the Lightbringer from Chicago, the bartender from the Bronx, and President “Where’s the Money.” Now the protectors of the system have become servants of the mob (looking at you Eric Holder, Lorretta Lynch, and Merrick Garland). The organization tasked with enforcing the charter of our republic is attacking political opposition and protecting criminal allies – with complete disregard for the protections of the Constitution. Its leaders defend such actions with words like

  • Prosecutorial discretion,
  • No one is above the law, and
  • No reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case (my personal favorite).

I have questions. Is Merrick Garland running the DOJ as if America is a democracy? Has he decided that 81 million (LOL) Biden voters have voted, and made the democratic decision to oppress the semi-fascists (snark intended)? Has he placed the DOJ at the service of the mob because it’s the democratic (could be little “d” or big “D”) thing to do? Is that why he has initiated lawfare, where the law is unequally applied against one’s opponents? Is his targeting of political opponents, conservative parents, pro-life activists, and local law enforcement simply his service to the democratic decision of the majority? Has he replaced the word “justice” with the word “democracy” as justification for weaponizing his department – in service to the mob?

The most important question of all: Does he not see that he is undermining the stability of America in using the law in the pursuit of politics rather than justice?

Lawfare is a perversion of our justice system. It is the application of legal tools to subvert civil protections and founding ideals to achieve a political end. It is intended to be a partisan application of the law.

However, Equal application of the law is the non-partisan application of the law. It is how:

  • Minorities are protected from majorities,
  • Political opposition is protected from government oppression, and
  • Individuals are protected from tyranny.

Lawfare is an attempt to destroy those protections, and it is the game Merrick Garland is playing in service to the people who elected his boss. But lawfare is not just a clever way to play the political game. It is a dangerous undermining of our founding principles – even if done in service to the majority under the auspices of democracy.

Is criticism of the DOJ an attack on democracy? Let me ask that a different way. Is criticism of the DOJ’s attempt to crush opposition in service to the mob, an attack on democracy? Yes, it is. It is also a defense of the republic.

Author Bio: John Green is a political refugee from Minnesota, now residing in Idaho. He has written for American Thinker, and American Free News Network. He can be followed on Facebook or reached at greenjeg@gmail.com.

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