Politics in America and the Propagation of Swamp Lies: Same as it Ever Was in Our Lifetime

In recognition of the two-year anniversary of America Free News Network I wrote about some of the contributions that modern day American culture contributed to the annals of history. My particular lens on this issue focused on and identified the elevated nature of just how lame and pathetic-how cheeky-the LSMBTG has been in propagating lies and carrying water for politicians and our government in the propaganda wars against us: more on that in a bit.

We don’t watch much television these days, but when we do its typically sports or the crime shows. I don’t know why we have cable anymore, the majority of the channels are playing woke BS 24×7 and the commercials seem oriented on marketing to some other market demographic and potential population or country that looks to be about 70% black, 25% Hispanic and a very small mix of Asian and Indian, judging by the makeup of the people and their messaging.

Oh-you do see white people from time to time-which now stands out-seems odd, including a lot of very simple white males-like primates, really, often portrayed as mindless, simple and chronically inept. There are also a lot of gay couples, just about all manner of mixed-race families, and borderline disgusting medical commercials that fast-talk through side effects that seem to beg you to reconsider ever taking the crap they are hawking, and injury lawyers. I’m waiting for them (lawyers) to update their message: “did you hear what they just touted about the side effects of that pain relief through limb loss medicine? If your doctor prescribed this poison for you-I can make you rich!”

They all sound the same, in many ways just feeding our stupidity back to us. One of the themes I was going to further develop-embellish upon-was this idea that the LSMBTG is getting so bad at what they should do best, based on the frequency they work on it-the art of spinning and lying to us-but they seem to get worse at it as we go along, when these folks should have black belts in the dark arts of lying at this point.

You have to feel bad for them at some level for having backed themselves-painted themselves-into a corner where there is no way out of it except for honesty and frank admissions: which they are singly incapable of delivering upon.

What a career choice to make and be stuck-in! The LSMBTG has been bobbing and bouncing along with the swamp as Biden stayed hidden away in his basement and yet still made outlandish comments and seemingly clueless responses to questions, making raucous appearances whenever he ventured out, seemingly incapable of thinking on his feet and or giving a straight answer to a straight question. Being right with him along the way means taking the idjiotic things that are said and making sense of them-no matter what it takes.

We could pick 5 or 6 daily gaffes as examples, but at this point they are ubiquitous, myriad and seem to be increasing vice diminishing as the minders and staff play “hide the goof ball” to keep him out of view like a White House version of Herman Munster: a veritable never-ending fountain of gaffes, nonsense and lunacy wrapped up in a very sharp suit-the word is dapper-stumbling from one appearance to the next.

To their credit not one of the LSMBTG has brought up or made comparisons to their creation of yesteryear, the previous poster-child, stumble-bum record holder of being the most un-athletic, falling down in office slob that became the butt of so many jokes and smart-aleck remarks that many never knew that he was an All-American football player who won several college championships and actually had professional football offers from the National Football League: President Gerald Ford.

But that was so yesterday and we have come very far as a people to rise above such petty issues, observations and name calling, maturing beyond the point where we would take humor from-or delight-in making fun of somebody who apparently has real health or mental problems and just happens to be a democrat: unless and except when it comes to that rat-bastard Bad Orange Man, or really any enemy of the state-er, republican.

And while I want to get off this depressing thread, I have to mention that Biden has done one thing right since he ran for election, took office, and that was doing a damn fine job (Browny) in picking his Vice President. Watching a Harris speech or event or presser is like watching the reason incarnate that we pray for good health, prosperity and a long rich life for President Biden.

She invokes or stirs up emotions in people not unlike watching her somewhat political twin in terms of talent, potential, impact, notable and quotable statements and appearances, as well as having that hard to describe, Je ne se quoi-creepiness or ability to generate a sense of dread and mortality in onlookers on an otherwise clear, sunny, cloudless day, that being the Junior Senator from Pennsylvania, that dapper dresser and rising political talent, John Fetterman.

Watching either of or many of them-dozens, scores, scads, the lot of them serving in elected office is just an amazing experience anymore. When you start paying attention to politics and political figures these days, you start to see them not as representatives or for the major issues they pursue, but in terms of their causes-theatrics-the parlor tricks they pull. A lot of people remember and hate Senator Ted Crews for his Dr. Seuss reading during a filibuster over a budget issue. Or like the fried chicken guy, who thought it was a good optic to be a rude jerk and eat KFC like some high school jackass while in a hearing a while back to poke fun at our attorney general who did not show up-and was therefore, chicken: get it? Tennessee Rep Steve Cohen (D.)

It was great to watch our congress put on a show in lieu of doing anything beneficial for the American people so they could hold Barr in contempt in an act that certainly was not a payback for what republicans did to Eric Holder and President Obama over Fast and Furious, as that would be shallow and high schoolish and “mean girl” politics.

I referenced my previous article that ended up touching upon aspects of the President John F. Kennedy assassination story that continues to play out in America as we reached-and passed-the milestone where the material was supposed to be declassified and released (2017,) but the CIA apparently pressed President Trump on the issue-and since they were so good to him in the runup to his election-he decided to work with them and not release all the material that had been earmarked for review.

It was likely the same story for the FBI material that represents the Hoover era, as well as the presidential archives reflecting the sordid career and service of President Johnson.

The story was not the finest hour for any of our US institutions-from government to the press-the entirety of the LSMBTG that carried water for and helped cover up the biggest scandal in US history that changed the course of our country on myriad fronts.

A story describing the potential release-from the Washington Examiner-has the typical understatement that has characterized the coverup for nearly 60 years: On Nov. 22, 1963, Kennedy was shot and killed in Dallas. An inquiry concluded that assassin Lee Harvey Oswald acted on his own, but questions have loomed over that fateful day over the following six decades.

Wow-that-the above is-Scoop Jackson-like material, talk about understated! I’m not going to start with a list of the top 100 unanswered questions from the JFK Assassination at this late stage in this article-but that is a threat of something I will cover in the future.

President Trump associate Roger Stone-who wrote a book on the assassination (https://www.amazon.com/Man-Who-Killed-Kennedy-Against/dp/1626363137) -recently revived the issue in an interview with Jack Posobiec, in a story covered in the Independent Sentinel, and commented that he was told by DJT that he would be “horrified” by what has yet to be released. From the piece:

“Trump did release roughly 80% of the documents, and we found out some shocking things. For example, Lee Harvey Oswald had gotten a, you know, 1099 from the FBI; that’s because he had been on their payroll. He was an informant; Lee Harvey Oswald had attended the foreign language school that is run by the Central Intelligence Agency in North Carolina. That’s how he learned to speak Russian.

“We learned about President Lyndon Johnson’s early membership in the Ku Klux Klan. That was among the documents that were included uh so there’s a lot of stuff there that historians poured through.”

The story always seems to be perpetuated with teasers such as the above snacks, but no full meal. Also interesting is the long-known fact that Oswald had a 201 File that was maintained by the CIA. For anybody-all of us-who were military at some point, your official record or personnel file is called a 201 and it is maintained by the element responsible for you.

Those who have followed the story all these years know the folklore of Oswald’s Russian language expertise as the product of his self-study was one of the issues that stood out as a stinky story-a “fish” in the bottom of the duffel bag. Russian is a difficult language. Oswald’s wife Marina Prusakova, who he met (at a dance) at some point after arriving in the Soviet Union in late 1959, was living with her uncle Ilya who was believed to be a COL in the KGB. Upon meeting him during his puzzling quasi-defection, no-defection to Russia, she reportedly thought he was a Russian citizen based on his language proficiency.

Upon his return to the states, he was contacted by a famous CIA asset George DeMorhenschildt, a storied character who was somewhat a leader of the Russian community in the Dallas area, who was also impressed by Oswald’s spoken language proficiency and non-accented dialect, but less impressed with his grasp of grammar and subtleties of the language.

It is still somewhat hard to believe that Oswald was only 24 when he was shot by Jack Ruby-and most Americans still have no idea that Ruby was a lower-tier, well known mobster who came to Dallas via California from Chicago and was a lot of things to a lot of people, but being Jewish (Rubinstein,) he was not a “made man” in mob terms (not Italian.) But a valuable cog in the corrupt environment that was Dallas in the late 1950s and 1960s, who was involved in brokering a release for Santos Trafficante in Cuba during his incarceration by Castro, but Ruby was expendable in the scheme of the mob operations controlled by Carlos Marcello out of New Orleans.

To be continued.

Max Dribbler

13 July 2023


LSMBTG: Lamestream media echo chamber (LMEC-L) social media (SM) big tech tyrants (BT) and government (G)

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