What’s Wrong With This Woke Picture? (#3)

“Retired Command Sgt. Maj. Ron Cook Jr. is a member of the Seneca Nation, a former Sapper Leader and paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne Division with a combat jump in Panama. He explained the importance of how each feather should be received and held during the ceremony.”

USMA public release.

If Sgt. Maj. Ron Cook jumped into Panama with the 82nd Airborne, then part of his “identity” is paratrooper. He has a lot to be proud about from his service.

Did he create the Eagle Feather Ceremony at West Point or was he recruited by the USMA DEI Office to perform it?

His explanation of the “importance of each feather and how it should be received and held” would be very interesting to hear. It’s probably very well-intentioned to promote pride.

Also, since his ethnicity is the Seneca tribe, it would be interesting to know if the Eagle Feather Ceremony is an authentic Seneca ceremony. When does the oral tradition of the Seneca Tribe assert the ceremony began? If it is an authentic ceremony, how many other tribes had the Eagle Feather Ceremony?

There were about 600 Indian tribes north of the Rio Grand River in 1607. There was real diversity among Indian tribes. And great animosity in continuing warfare among adjacent tribes.

DEI at West Point doesn’t recognize the true diversity among Indians and Alaska Native Americans. West Point’s view is the same as the Cultural Marxists who lump all Indians together. As if “Indian” is a single identity group. As if the “Indian” experience of a cadet is a group experience in life. When, actually, life is experienced as an individual. And, our paramount Constitutional rights are individual rights. There are state’s rights in the Constitution, but no group rights.

There’s a huge difference between growing up on an impoverished, government, socialist Reservation in the West and being 1/1024 or .00009 Indian like Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

Does West Point have racial rules, like the Third Reich did, to determine what per cent of “race” makes a cadet “Indian” or not?


Former USMA Pointer Magazine Editor

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