Nikki Haley: We Want Disruption, Not Chaos

Presidential candidate Nikki Haley, like most of us, doesn’t like chaos. She’d prefer that America be an orderly, law abiding, harmonious nation. Unfortunately, that is no longer the America in which we live. But in her condemnation of “chaos,” Haley confuses correlation with causation, and is using our current turmoil to attack Donald Trump. At a campaign stop in Bluffton South Carolina, she said:

I agree with a lot of his policies, but the truth is, rightly or wrongly, chaos follows him (Trump). We have too much division in this country, and too many threats around the world to be sitting in chaos once again.

I don’t disagree that there’s a Trump/chaos correlation. A quick review of events since 2016 reveals a mountain of evidence to support that position.

Peter Strzok and Lisa Page used their positions in the FBI to create an “insurance policy” against our electoral choice. Their plan certainly introduced a bit of chaos into the 2016 election.

Leftist groups filed lawsuits against virtually every action President Trump attempted in office. Those suits caused a great deal of uncertainty and confusion about America’s path forward.

The longest government shutdown in U.S. history was done by Democrats – to avoid funding a border wall. It caused weeks of political disorder and years of unrestricted national invasion.

When the Mueller investigation spent 3 years investigating a crime that never happened – based on fabricated evidence provided by Hillary Clinton – we experienced years of political upheaval.

When General Miley informed his Chinese counterpart that he would inform them of any Trump planned surprise attack, it introduced chaos into our military chain of command.

Anthony Fauci was responsible for a healthy dose of chaos when he illegally funded “gain of function” research at the Wuhan lab, creating a virus, which the Chinese “leaked,” leading to a global pandemic. It was a stark demonstration of the chaos men are capable of who have more ego than wisdom.

We also experienced a bit of chaos when San Fran Nan conducted two impeachments, based on hearsay and disagreements. Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Schumer even increased the political turmoil by disallowing exculpatory evidence and conducting the 2nd trial without oversight by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. They did it simply out of hatred, and because they could.

For those like Haley, concerned about the Trump/chaos correlation: Have they noticed that those chaos inducing acts were all committed by leftists? Isn’t blaming Trump for the attacks on him, victim blaming? Would Nikki Haley have used her UN vote against Israel? Chaos – such as Hamas gang rapes – does seem to follow God’s chosen people. Or is “victim blaming” a tactic reserved for her political opponents?

Is it possible that those suddenly concerned about chaos are confusing it with disruption? Chaos is disorder without purpose. It can be nature’s inexorable march towards maximum entropy, or it can be fires started by anarchists who simply want to see the world burn.

However, disruption is the interruption of activity for a purpose. It can be either good or evil, depending on the intent. Disruption could be the interruption of a police response to facilitate a crime, or it could be the interruption of termites before they nibble away the support beams of our home.

When Haley talks about “chaos,” is she really complaining about the messiness of a Trump administration, because he doesn’t do things the “Washington way”? Perhaps she should be less concerned about the messy house, and more concerned about the termite infestation.

The termites of leftism have eaten away the supports of our republic to near collapse.

  • Congress has brought us to near economic Armageddon by spending money that it doesn’t have,
  • The DoJ is taking every possible step to destroy the Constitution which it is sworn to defend,
  • The FBI has gone into the business of planning dirty tricks to entrap innocent Americans,
  • The DoD surrenders to terrorists, but amped up its participation in Pride Month,
  • The IRS targets conservatives, but ignores the overdue taxes of a Capital police officer who executed a Trump supporter,
  • The Department of Health and Human Services keeps pushing a vaccine that doesn’t vaccinate, and hiding its role in creating a global panic,
  • NASA is behind schedule in its return to space, because it’s busy with Muslim outreach,
  • The MSM awards Pulitzers to whoever can come up with the biggest whopper,
  • Academia has prioritized pornography, transgenderism, and anti-Semitism over the “3 Rs,”
  • Commercial companies are telling us how to raise our children, and are outraged when we refuse to pay them for their advice,
  • The southern border has become a voter outreach operation for the Democrat crime syndicate, and
  • The medical industry has decided that masculinity is toxic, men can have babies, and babies aren’t human until they’re old enough to say “momma.”

The institutions which are intended to provide order have morphed into Skynet, determined to terminate the American experiment with extreme prejudice. Americans are screaming: Stop, just stop!

An Associated Press-NORC Research Center poll found that 78 percent of Americans think the country is headed in the wrong direction. The remainder either think becoming Northern Cuba is the right direction or they think Julia Louis-Dreyfus is the real President (i.e., they’re communists, idiots, or both). Three quarters of Americans are demanding disruption. That’s why they sent a brash, politically incorrect, no-nonsense businessman to Washington in 2016. They’ve figured out that the “Washington way” is the wrong way.

Most Americans want a disrupter to throw a monkey wrench into the machinery before the gears grind us to dust. They couldn’t be clearer about what they want. And yet the “Washington way” politicians refuse to hear them, pretending that Trump is the problem. The establishment politicians keep promising to oil rather than stop the gears. Have they not been paying attention?

It’s time for some major disruption. The engine needs to be dismantled and the corrosion scraped away before the broken parts can be repaired. The guts of the engine are going to be smelly, dirty, and disgusting; but someone needs to roll their sleeves up and get it done or we’ll never return to the orderly world which Haley envisions. The project requires someone to

  • Slash some budgets,
  • Shutter some federal departments,
  • Tell the members of the military that if they’re worried about pronouns, they’re in the wrong job,
  • Get government out of the business of picking winners and losers,
  • Let “too big to fail” fail,
  • Stop loaning kids money to become baristas with advanced degrees, entitled attitudes, and six figures of debt,
  • Tax universities so that they too may “pay their fair share,”
  • Fire some federal bureaucrats, and
  • Send some DoJ miscreants to prison for felony deprivation of rights under color of law (18 U.S.C. § 242).

We want a leader who will not govern the “Washington way,” yet is able to withstand the inevitable withering attacks. He must have the wisdom to trust nobody in his new city of residence. We need a President who understands that the government which he leads, has become the enemy of the people he serves. Who might that be Ms. Haley?

This article appeared previously on American Thinker.

Author Bio: John Green is a political refugee from Minnesota, now residing in Idaho. He has written for American Thinker, and American Free News Network. He can be reached at

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