Hamas Propaganda Masquerading as Student Protests


What we learned from the recent college campus “protests”:

1) There are a significant number of Muslims in America.

2) They are very well funded and organized.

3) They have infiltrated universities stirring young malleable minds to champion their anti-Judeo/Christian cause.

4) They have integrated into political territories then voted together – as Democrats.

5) The Biden administration is forsaking the traditional Jewish vote for the larger number of Muslim voters as evidenced by his unconscionable halting arms shipments to Israel, an ally actively engaged in a war.

6) Though Christians, per se., are supportive of Israel/Jews, they are slow to accept the fact that Muslims don’t like them either.

7) The enemy is not Hamas, Iran, Hezbollah, Houthis, ISIS… but the ideology of the Muslim people who are either members of an enemy fighting force or are in sympathy therewith.

8) Muslims seek to take-over America and enforce their Shira laws – via the ballot box and the liberal media.

Suggestion: Residents of each neighborhood form ad hoc groups to promote Judeo-Christian values, teach self-defense and encourage firearms ownership. The only criteria, no Muslims allowed. Yeah, I know, that might be discrimination – let ‘em sue – the publicity would be worth it.

Chuck Klein, Columnist, is the author of many books, columns, articles, and stories. Details and contact:https://chuckkleinauthor.com

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