Chemical Exterminators

In the Democrat’s nonstop quest to expand and make abortion as plentiful as dandelions in spring, the Supreme Court’s case: “FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine,” unanimously rejected a recent dispute by pro-life doctors against the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for illegally expanding access to the drug mifepristone used in chemical abortions.

The ruling should put to rest the zealous and enduring chants of “Christian Nationalism” for those conservatives on the court.  As sure as the sun will rise tomorrow morning, the left will never cease using anything to advance their agenda truth or not.  

Since Roe v. Wade was overturned, chemical abortions now account for over half of all American abortions.  What appears to be a convenient procedure is anything but.

According to the FDA, besides killing the most innocent among us, the health risks to the mother can cause heavy bleeding, an incomplete abortion, and infection. According to one report, mifepristone “has been tied to 24 deaths and more than 4,000 adverse events” including a 44% increase in breast cancer risk, a 52% increase in future pre-term births, and a fivefold increase in the risk of suicide.  Complications include sepsis, hemorrhage, and undiagnosed ectopic pregnancies that increased by 500%.  The FDA also warns that one in 25 women who take abortion drugs will end up in the emergency room. 

According to the Alliance Defending Freedom, the FDA has “endangered women and girls by abandoning safeguards for abortion drugs, including in-person visits with a doctor to check for ectopic pregnancies, severe bleeding, and life-threatening infections.” 

These dangers are undeniable evidence to end the FDA’s authorization of mifepristone and to enforce the Comstock Actthat prohibits its distribution via the U.S. mail. However, the Comstock Act is another relic of the past and like many other laws – never enforced – unless one is defacing a gay pride symbol.  

Activists make the ludicrous claim that access to chemical abortion drugs is a matter of women’s “healthcare” and are safe.

Abortion is supposed to motivate turnout in November’s election for Democrats.  Provided that ardent Catholic Joe Biden remains the Democrats,’ presidential nominee and provided he is reelected, he has pledged to push hard for abortion to become another constitutional amendment.

Given the plethora of problems facing the nation that ironically includes a record-low birthrate, making sure the choice to kill the unborn is an option for all women has always and continues to be a top Democrat political objective.

There is no denying that pro-abortion groups are always on the offensive. To date, pro-aborts have won a series of referendums in conservative states.  So much for the canard of “threats to democracy.” More states this November, including political battlegrounds in Arizona, Montana and Florida will have referendums on the left’s most egregious sacrament in an attempt to make their states’ abortion sanctuaries.

Believing abortion will help drive the left to the polls in November, Donald Trump has warned Republicans that abortion is a perilous campaign issue. A Gallup poll revealed 32% of voters will only vote for candidates who share their views on abortion, which includes 23% who support abortion and 8% who oppose.

Abortion is an American industry where chemicals now lead its crusade in a government-sanctioned culture of death.  The Supreme Court did not settle chemical abortions any more than it settled the issue of abortion in the recent Dobbs decision that overturned Roe v. Wade.

Christians must be much more active in supporting life. Moreover, those politicians who claim to be followers of Christ must be courageous enough to do what is necessary to end all abortions. Not only do millions of lives weigh in the balance, but their immortal souls.  For those politicians who are indifferent, spare Christians the insult and your blasphemy of asking God to “Bless America.”  

When inconvenience is more important than the life of a child, we have lost our way as we annihilate our own. Our hands are bloody and our souls corrupted by our own choosing.

Abortion concerns everyone because allowing someone’s life to be decided upon the capricious whims of another is pure tyranny.

The poisonous pills may remain, but the legal and political fight over abortion for the soul of a contentious nation continues.

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