Kamala Continues the Democrat Running Mate Tradition

Candidate Cackling Kamala has picked Minnesota Governor Tim Walz to be her running mate. More than a few people – including Democrats – are asking: What the hell? She picked a

  • White guy – with no known sexual deviancies,
  • From a state which she will win anyway, and
  • Who is turning his state’s major cities into San Francisco with worse weather.

Walz even promotes socialism because he says it’s neighborly. Apparently in the mind of a morally bankrupt leftist, state sanctioned seizure and redistribution, is just folks helping each other out. Cackles apparently doesn’t see that as a liability.

While everyone on the left approves of Tampon Tim’s ideology, they know that Cackles must win the election before she can implement a Minnesota-esque snitch line nationwide – to keep the people in flyover country obedient. They also know that Walz isn’t going to get Kamala any electoral votes which she wasn’t going to get anyway. I lived in Minnesota for 36 years. I like Donald Trump, but there is no way he’s going to win the one state that Ronald Reagan lost. So, everybody is asking, “Is Kamala an idiot?” The answer is: Demonstrably yes. But that’s not why she picked the communist from the land of 10,000 lakes to live in the mansion at the Naval Observatory.

Republican and Democrat candidates for President think differently about running mates. Republicans pick partners, but Democrats pick insurance policies.

Republicans want running mates who can lighten their executive load by taking on major projects, and potentially continue their initiatives by becoming their successor. They pick people like George H.W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Mike Pence, and J.D. Vance.

Democrats take a slightly different approach. They want someone who will never make their boss look stupid – relatively speaking. It’s also a big plus if the running mate is radical enough that the thought of them being one heartbeat away from the Resolute desk evinces night terrors in all conservatives. That’s how we ended up with Vice President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and prospective Vice President Tim Walz.

Joe Biden was never going to make Barack Obama appear to be the lesser of the two intellects. But even more importantly, Obama had plans to commit impeachable offences as soon as he entered office (e.g. Operation Fast and Furious). But having a degenerate racist as his 2nd, made impeachment seem like a brilliant plan to jump out of the frying pan and into the fire. Joe was Barry’s insurance.

After a four-year break from our forced march to socialism, the Dems used their highly effective cemetery ground game to drag their most useful of useful idiots – Joe Biden – to the inauguration podium in 2020. He of course continued the party’s dumbing down tradition, and selected Kamala Harris to be his Veep. Joe Biden was never a rocket scientist, but he sounds like a genius of generations next to the woman that said:

Talking about the significance of the passage of time right? The significance of the passage of time. So when you think about it, there is great significance in the passage of time in terms of what we need to do to create these jobs, and there is such great significant to the passage of time, when we think about a day in the life of our children.

Of course, Joe was also a candidate for the 25th Amendment, about an hour after he took office. But nobody wanted to take his pen and phone away, and give them to gal that helped make San Francisco a garden – filled with organic fertilizer not flowers.

So now the gal that can’t turn three sentences into a coherent paragraph has picked the socialist from the land of “you betcha” to replace her if: the Dems are able to photocopy enough ballots for the win, and the Secret Service hasn’t figured out how to protect her from a kid with a rifle in plain view. Should that happen we will be saddled with a VP singing the praises of socialism, normalizing the abnormal, and advocating the policing of our thoughts. That will leave us praying for the Giggler in Chief’s good health – insurance you see.

Author Bio: John Green is a retired engineer and political refugee from Minnesota, now residing in Idaho. He spent his career designing complex defense systems, developing high performance organizations, and doing corporate strategic planning. He can be reached at greenjeg@gmail.com.

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