The “Right to Choose” Crowd Chooses Extinction

There’s an extinction level event on the horizon, and I don’t mean asteroid Apophis. Apophis is going to miss the Earth in mid-April, but its flyby is going to be close enough to remind us that there are things in the universe far more dangerous than anything we can concoct.

Nope, we can see a different type of extinction event approaching. We’re witnessing the beginning stages of an ideological mass casualty event among those of the radical political left.

Female (and I do mean of the XX variety) Kamala Harris voters are shaving their heads, and posting videos vowing to abstain from sex (said videos provided with a healthy dose of profanity and elevated decibels). Stepping the hysteria up a notch, Newsweek ran an expose about young women choosing to be surgically sterilized. They want to give up their choices now, to avoid their choices being taken away during a Trump Presidency. It seems the “right to choose” ladies just realized they have a right to choose not to get pregnant in the first place.

Planned Parenthood is also finding out that abortion isn’t the only way to avoid parenthood. They’re reporting a dramatic spike in pregnancy avoidance since Donald Trump’s election. Their baby termination mills reproductive healthcare clinics are seeing a 600 percent increase in requests for contraceptives. They’re also reporting a whopping 1200 percent increase in vasectomies, because the flannel-clad “guys for Kamala” want in on the action too.

Clearly the radicals have decided that if America isn’t going to embrace their idea of utopia, they’re not going to contribute to the ongoing survival of the species. They are exercising their right to choose, and choosing not to add any new aspiring communists to the population.

To be clear, these people are lunatics. I don’t mean that in the “crazy uncle who thinks Elvis is alive” kinda of way. I mean it in the certifiable “tenuous grip on reality” kinda way. These are the people who think that male/female is an elective choice, that burning coal to charge electric cars is a swell way to save the planet from fossil fuels, and that Whoopi Goldberg is the voice of reason.

I would prefer to counsel such people back to reality, but any attempt at dialog instantly triggers Godwin’s Law. They stick their fingers in their ears, close their eyes, and scream “Hitler” at the top of their lungs. Clearly, cognitive therapy is not a viable corrective for what ails them.

Given that the radicals are resistant to counseling, I’m okay with their choice to self-quarantine from the gene pool.

I acknowledge that there is no scientific evidence that their affliction is hereditary. But if it’s not genetic, it has to be learned. Either way, I’d prefer insanity not be learned by – or passed on to – another generation of their offspring. Regardless of whether the affliction is genetic or conditioned, America is going to benefit from their reproductive abstinence.

The reaction of the left to our recent election is proof that the political movement which spawned MAGA, is ascendant. Where debates are happening, they’re being won by the normals. Where debate is shunned, the opponents of MAGA are choosing extinction.

This article previously appeared in The American Spectator.

Author Bio: John Green is a retired engineer and political refugee from Minnesota, now residing in Idaho. He spent his career designing complex defense systems, developing high performance organizations, and doing corporate strategic planning. He is a contributor to American ThinkerThe American Spectator, and the American Free News Network. He can be reached at

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2 thoughts on “The “Right to Choose” Crowd Chooses Extinction”

  1. John…. good points here indeed! Now we just need to avoid the government re-education mills (aka “public education”) so that our own kids don’t grow up to be insane like the Leftists.

  2. Far left liberals refusing to reproduce themselves is certainly a win/win as far as I am concerned! Given that even in those areas which voted for Kamala Harris Emhoff, the trends were to the right far more than to the left, as measured by voting percentages, I have to ask: have we already seen evidence that the left’s aversion to having babies is showing up in society?

    Of course, as even The Washington Post reported, conservatives are, on the whole, better-looking than liberals, so perhaps, despite their purported sex positivity, leftist women just don’t get laid as much as normal women. Given that a significant part of the left are homosexual, I suppose that much of the sex in which they do engage has exactly zero chance of resulting in knockeduptancy.

    Now, if even heterosexual leftist women are eschewing activities which could result in reproduction, how can normal people be anything but pleased?

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