Keep Me in Your Peace

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Christmas is upon us. If you’re not frazzled and haven’t voiced the opinion that Christmas comes faster each and every year, then you’re in the minority. 

This year, I’ve made a dedicated effort, albeit not entirely successful, NOT to get caught up in the holiday madness. Instead, I’ve been trying to breathe deeply and to “rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him….” (Psalm 37:7)

(Online) shopping is completed, wrapped, and under the tree in colorful canvas bags–so much simpler than wrapping paper, ribbons, and bows. Christmas baking, which usually involves half a dozen different candy recipes and eight or more cookie recipes, has been minimized.

In Quiet Spaces, a book of prayer interludes by Patricia Wilson, the author encourages us to seek out the quiet spaces where we can feel the presence of God, even in the midst of our busy lives.

The following thoughts and prayer are from Wilson’s devotional entitled “Celebrating Christmas.”

“When I look at Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars that You have established; what are human beings that You are mindful of them, mortals that You care for them?” (Psalm 8:3-4)

Imagine standing alone on a hillside at night. The sky is filled with stars. Suddenly one star glows brightly, increasing in radiance until you feel bathed in its light. With this starlight comes a profound sense of peace and joy.

As you prepare for Christmas Day, every time you feel yourself getting caught up in this world’s Christmas or becoming stressed or hurried, take a moment to close your eyes briefly and remember the beautiful, brightly-shining star. Allow its light to pour down upon you. Feel the peace, experience the joy, and celebrate the birth of your Savior.

Prayer: Christmas is such a wonderful time, Jesus. We celebrate your birth into our dark world. Christmas is also a difficult time. Many people don’t have the trappings of the season: the family, the feasting, the gifts, the social whirl. 

It’s difficult, Jesus, when I suddenly discover that I’m just like everyone else—rushing, finding, doing, gifting, eating, and forgetting why I celebrate Christmas. Everything around me pushes me into celebrating the Christmas of this world. 

Even at church I feel a sense of rushing that has nothing in common with the peace and serenity of Christmas. The Sunday school pageant, the Christmas bazaar, the choir concerts, the special services, all hurl me toward Christmas Day. Then when the day finally arrives, I’m too tired to think about the reason I’m celebrating. 

Once the presents have been unwrapped, food has been devoured, and families have been duly visited, not much time remains for You. And so, Jesus, I’m asking You for a special gift as I celebrate your birth. 

Pour down the light of Your star in the East. Bathe me in its peaceful light so that I can experience [the] profound joy which comes from knowing that my Savior is born. 

Blessed Jesus, keep me in Your peace, today and always. Amen.

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