Who cares about BLM? 38 shopping days left until the inauguration

A jury found Daniel Penny innocent of Alvin Bragg’s ridiculous charges related to subduing a homeless man who threatened passengers in a subway car. The exoneration demolished a media narrative that Penny was a white supremacist stalking black men.

AP said, “A Marine veteran who used a chokehold on an agitated subway rider was acquitted on Monday in a death that became a prism for differing views about public safety, valor and vigilantism.”

Penny held the man, Jordan Neely, until authorities could take him into custody. A drug called K2 likely killed him.

AP quoted Andre Zachery as “his father,” a man who apparently was never in the Neely’s life. An ABC post-mortem profile of Neely did not mention a father. It said he was raised by his mother. When he was 14, her boyfriend, Shawn Southerland, murdered her in their bed.

ABC said, “Jordan Neely briefly lived with his great aunt and other family members in his youth.”

He died at 30 after living homeless on the streets. Zachery popped up when he died. He filed a wrongful death suit against Penny during jury deliberations.

AP quoted daddy dearest’s response to the verdict: “It really, really hurts. I had enough of this. The system is rigged.”

I was 47 when I finally met my father, who divorced my mom and their five children when I was 2, so I have a bias in this case.

Zachery dared tell reporters after the verdict, “I just want to say I miss my son. My son didn’t have to go through this. I didn’t have to go through this either. It hurts. It really, really hurts. I had enough of this, the system is rigged.”

He had the chance to see his son when he was 14 and lost his mother.

This trial was brought to you by BLM, Obama’s rioters who pressure the judicial system to railroad white men. Judges in NYC may as well wave their BLM flags. The same kangaroos who worked for the Mafia before Giuliani now work for Soros.

AP said, “The case amplified many American fault lines, among them race, politics, crime, urban life, mental illness and homelessness. Neely was Black. Penny is white.”

No, it didn’t. Nor did the deaths of Michael D. Brown, Trayvon Martin or Saint George Floyd. This is political theater designed to divert attention from the nation’s post-Civil Rights achievements.

An out-of-touch media that promotes division in America promoted these cases at the behest of Democrats who seek to regain power through black pride and white guilt. It works. The hysterical white woman who prosecuted Neely’s trial made sure to call Penny a white man throughout the trial.

Bragg should never have charged Penny.

Jonathan Turley said on Fox, “This is not, obviously, how district attorney Bragg had planned this.

“The way the case was going, was along the sort of design that Bragg had to force a compromise verdict. When the jury deadlocked over the more serious crime, the judge went ahead and allowed them to consider this lesser offense.

“That is basically what Bragg had hoped, that if he could not get a conviction on the more serious crime, which was unlikely, that they would compromise and convict him on the lesser offense which, by the way, still came with a potential penalty of four years.”

Dropping the manslaughter charge at the request of Alvin Bragg and his chipmunks was supposed to render a guilty verdict on the lesser-and-included charge. It failed.

Pressure from BLM and the media also failed.


The New Yorker’s coverage of the verdict began in a bathroom in the courthouse.

It said, “the chants of the dozen or so Black Lives Matter demonstrators who had assembled on the sidewalk, behind police barricades, could be heard clearly near the sink. One protester would shout, ‘Hey, hey, what do we say?,’ to which a chorus would reply, ‘Daniel Penny has got to pay!’ ”

The toilet was where the case belonged along with the BLM grifters.

Buried in the story were the actual testimony and reasons for declaring Penny innocent.

The defense also did its best to discredit the determination, made by Cynthia Harris, one of the city’s medical examiners, of the cause of Neely’s death: “Compression of Neck (Chokehold).” If Neely hadn’t died from Penny’s choke hold but from another cause, any other cause, then a reasonable jury would have no choice but to acquit the defendant. Steven Raiser, one of the defense lawyers, who later referred to Penny’s choke hold as “a civilian restraint,” pointed out that Harris made her opinion on the cause of death before the toxicology report, the molecular genetic report, the anthropology report, and the neuropathology report had been reviewed. His insinuation was that she—and her colleagues, including many of the city’s top medical examiners, who also reviewed the case—had rushed to judgment. Raiser asked, “How could you determine whether the results of those tests were unimportant before knowing what the results of those tests were?” Harris said, “No toxicological result would have changed my opinion.” She went on, “He could have come back with, you know, enough fentanyl to put down an elephant, and I would have just thought that he walked onto the subway with a huge amount of fentanyl in his system, and then put in a choke hold, in which he died.” A juror laughed. Jordan Neely’s father lifted his head and sat upright in his seat; an almost-smile crept across his face.

I am no expert but a juror laughing at a witness for the prosecution expert is not a good sign for state.

BLM tried to use the case to regain relevance. Rats thrive on garbage. The jury put this trashy trial in the trash bin just as jurors did in the trials of George Zimmerman and Kyle Rittenhouse.

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One of BLM’s many founders told the press after the acquittal, “We need some black vigilantes. People want to jump up and choke us and kill us for being loud? How about we do the same when they attempt to oppress us?”

NYT noted that the times have changed in New York. Violent crime and random attacks by teens, thugs and homeless maniacs have an impact.

Had Mr. Neely died during an encounter with a young white Marine several years earlier it would have been easy to imagine a broad movement forged in his name — a coalition of activists and bourgeois liberals like those who protested the murder of George Floyd. In the aftermath of his death, Black Lives Matter posters filled the windows of $10 million brownstones; mothers in expensive clogs convened at Barclays Center in Brooklyn with their billboards and children well-schooled in the history of oppression.

The Neely case has lacked the same fire; the mood seems to have shifted. Many of those same mothers who faced off against a brigade of cops in riot gear now worry about their children on the subways. Outside the courthouse at 100 Centre Street on Tuesday, the final day of closing arguments, the crowd of protesters was small.

31 years ago New Yorkers elected Giuliani as mayor to end the chaos. He succeeded. But under Mayor DiCommunist, the city very quickly regressed. Let this case signal the long road back to civility. The media can help by ignoring BLM

This article first appeared on Don Surber’s Substack. Reprinted here with permission.

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