Living Behind Enemy Lines, Tale #25: Trump’s Landslide Doesn’t Mean Dems Have Stopped Rigging Elections

An astute America First Re-Ignited subscriber, Kathy, read my article entitled 13 Million Democrat Voters Died Since 2020: Where Are The Bodies? and responded with her own list as to why we can’t find the 13 million Democrat voters’ bodies, and why/how Blue States will continue to defraud their voters:

Other Possible Answers:

  1. They were already dead but still voting in 2020 (Chicago, in particular, is famous for that).
  2. Many Democrats voted several times (as usual) in different precincts in 2020.
  3. Since no Voter ID was required, many just made up names and voted as different people in the same county.
  4. In 2020, whole nursing homes of dementia patients voted for Biden. Verified.
  5. In some states in which the Supervisor of Elections was a Democrat, many Democrat ballots were run though the machine multiple times, witnessed.
  6. Fraudulent ballots were printed and delivered to polling places and entered into voting machines during that infamous “2-hour break.”
  7. Since Ohio was a battleground state, Democrats there let voters who lived in other states use their addresses to claim residency and vote absentee. Trump led in Ohio until Biden “won.”
  8. Some woke up to Democrat policies and voted Republican this time.
  9. All of the Above.


Probably more than 13 million are “missing,” since some of these faux 2020 voters were replaced by illegal aliens voting in 2024, thanks to Democrats’ illegally registering them.  The USA had about 29 million illegals living here when Biden entered office. According to President-Elect Trump, his regime brought in about 21 million more.

I’m a numbers person, says Kathy: Master’s degree in math. You can’t deny numbers. Many things can be proven only with stats.

Like the National Debt explosion under the Biden/Harris Regime:

Jan 20, 2020   National Debt            $21,700,000,000                 $21.7 BILLION

Nov 01, 2024   National Debt    $35,500,000,000,000                 $35.5 TRILLION

That’s not “doubled” or “tripled.”  That’s a 16-fold increase, intended to create bankruptcy.  Biden announced that before he leaves office, they are going to add another $2 Trillion.

The interest payments this year will be $892 BILLION!   In 2025 it will be $1 TRILLION.  If we HAD $892 BILLION, we could have paid off the national debt in 2020. Bankruptcy. Thanks. Obama.

People don’t know  this.  They don’t see the numbers, especially compared with January, 2020. That’s about $109,000 of debt for every man, woman, and child in in America.  It can’t be paid off.

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The author, Diane L. Gruber, is a First Amendment advocate who writes for Substack. She calls her Substack newsletter America First Re-Ignited.

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