Living Behind Enemy Lines In Seattle: Tale #5

Living Behind Enemy Lines In Seattle

This is the fifth in my series of what it is like for Normal Americans to be trapped within the insanity of Democrat-ruined cities. Currently, 88% of Seattle’s registered voters are Democrats.  This percentage has gone up in the last two decades, as the city has declined into a cesspool.  In her own words, Christine talks about …

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Living Behind enemy Lines Tale #4: Rescuing His Grandsons From BLM Mob


This is the fourth tale in a series about what it is like for sane Americans to live in cities & states run by insane politicians & voters. Sam has watched the insanity up close for decades:  “People on the right, especially conservative politicians, keep talking about the residents of Democrat hellholes as if they …

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Living Behind Enemy Lines, Tale #2: “Tolerant” Neighbors Spew Hatred

Living In Portland: "Tolerant" Neighbors Spew Hatred

Take Note: Joanna’s Liberal/Marxist neighbor is so in love with fascism that she paid hundreds of dollars for a sign to promote hatred toward her neighbors and destruction of her city. Will she change her mind when the mob burns down HER house? This article is second in a series.  At the end of “Living Behind …

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