National Intelligence Folly: How a Tragic Unsolved Murder Led to Billions of Dollars of Program Fraud, Waste and Abuse Part 20: Good Money After Bad

Henry Ford creates the assembly line and Def Sec McNamara creates a DoD program budget methodology that works very well for many programs but is not a panacea in consideration of Moore’s law. Meanwhile the NRO FIA program keeps digging (spending) in an attempt to buy their way to completion.

National Intelligence Folly: How a Tragic Unsolved Murder Led to Billions of Dollars of Program Fraud, Waste and Abuse Part 19 Costs Spiral Out of Control

A huge “tell” emerges in the Boeing FIA effort as a large number of parts are scrapped when tin is found in them, resulting in delays and cost. Does the government have the best available subject matter experts helping run the FIA program? Worst practices and cost continue.

National Intelligence Folly: How a Tragic Unsolved Murder Led to Billions of Dollars of Program Fraud, Waste and Abuse Part 18

Programs versus projects and the Peter Principle, worst practice in government where unqualified people promote into program management positions. When the process does not help, and the “professionals” are the problem.