It has been 11 months since Russia invaded Ukraine; When it became clear that Putin was contemplating an invasion of the Ukraine, Biden misplayed all of his cards.
Instead of calling Putin’s bluff and sending as much military assistance to Ukraine as quickly as possible, Biden basically invited the Russian dictator to take the northeast portion of the country for his own.
Biden knew that the records of his family’s Ukrainian activities were being leaked from Ukraine.
Then, Biden raised the stakes while revealing that he wasn’t going to be playing any of his trump cards. He revealed intelligence which showed that Putin was planning to invade and then said to the world that we weren’t going to put any American troops on the ground.
On 17 January, intelligence officials told Biden that a Russian invasion of Ukraine was imminent. On 20 January President Biden stated that the United States would follow Obama’s lead for when Russia invaded, occupied and annexed the Ukrainian state of Crimea.
Obviously the agreement with Putin was to have Russia take Kyiv and destroy the Biden family records.
Thousands of innocent people have died from both the Ukraine and Russia due to President Obama/Biden. Will there be a nuclear war, Russian leaders say WWIII has started and like his Democrat predecessors Wilson and FDR, Biden has been a major supporter for War.
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I think WWIII has been ongoing and is continuing to ramp up, in Europe. Biden’s folly has been to taunt Putin into the war, more than Putin starting the war. Sure, Putin invaded Ukraine, and I think without real cause. What this Biden administration doesn’t realize is that Putin will not be Biden’s savior, about those records you mentioned, and I think as you do, a deal of sorts was cut between the two. The problem is the Biden portion of the equation. He, and everyone in his administration, are not smart enough to be able to enter into that type of arrangement, because Putin is three moves ahead of them, on the chess board. Biden doesn’t understand why Putin invaded, and that is what will haunt the old phony, the rest of his life. No one will win WWIII. Putin appears to be the only one who knows that, and at best, Biden doesn’t seem to care, one way or another. All the crap about Putin originated between the stuff Hillary Clinton started in response to Trump winning in 2016, and the Democrats will not back down, including the RINOs who support all this nonsense.
If there was a magical way to annihilate the Democrat Party, when Hillary Clinton and her pity party went down this road , none of this would have happened. Add this lesson to the ways wars begin, this one being the most petty example.
Good article. Biden wrecks everything he touches. Kind of a reverse Midas.