American Free News Network at Two: Standing for Frank Talk, Pointed Criticism and Exposure of Hypocrisy Wherever it is Found

With the mind boggling violations committed by our government against identified 6 Jan 2021 “insurrectionists,” shredding the US Constitution, the rule of law and frankly everything decent about America that separates us from the “beast-” those third world and communist countries ruled by dictators where people have no rights whatsoever-it is somehow fitting-but particularly ironic as we celebrate the two-year anniversary of the establishment of AFNN, to observe that one of the truly dangerous acts that played out-the faux pipe-bombing of the Republican and Democrat National Committee Headquarters-remains a mystery of life that seems of no interest to law enforcement and the FBI who have otherwise moved heaven and earth to identify and go after even the most docile of attendees in and around the nation’s capital, while pressing for the most burdensome sentences imaginable at a time when molly-coddling criminals-murderers, thieves, drug dealers and felons-seems to be the rage right now (and also-with the AFNN anniversary-I’m celebrating the glory of the freedom to transmit run on sentences of ever increasing lengths to test the “bounds.”)

Pipe-bombs in the capital within 100 yards of the Vice-Presidential nominee who was puzzlingly not taking part in a historic vote at the capital to certify her(self) as the first female Vice President in American History. Not found by her “crack” security detail in their screen of the building prior to her arrival, a huge tell that continues the absolute disgraceful performance of many of our national agencies whose inability-culpability in the “schemes” or ineptness in doing their job has been a stain on the reputation of the United States for at least six decades.

And as long as they are not held accountable for such failures, they will just. Keep. Happening.

The only way the FBI gets away with-a pass-on not finding the pipe bomber is if it was one of them-and of course that is par for the course, but worse. People have had clearances before-information can be made bigoted to the point where only a single digit number of people are witting to the “6 January Pipe Bomb Special Compartment:” Operation Security Distraction.

And why the distraction? To the chase-so two thirds of the security force on the key gates/fence lines to the capital would be peeled away to investigate the bombs, allowing Ray Epps to lead one team and FBI operatives to lead the other to breach the flimsy barriers that would not keep the girl and boy scouts out in the face of determination and collusion with police.

Isn’t it strange that the decision to evacuate the capital because of two faux bombs-that were reportedly “defused” through detonation by the FBI-but have recently been acknowledged were “inert-” not bombs at all, with faulty (cheesy) kitchen timers that were set at 1240 and were not running-roughly coinciding with the time that somebody magically-from inside the capital-opened the massive doors that could not be opened from the outside-in almost a repeat of the Michigan Capital “riot,” where the FBI advised the State Police to allow an “armed and dangerous” crowd to enter the capital in an attempt to defuse the situation? The FBI lead from Michigan-ended up in DC working the 6 Jan FBI plot support…

Capital security pretty clearly allowed-in fact-invited those suckers in who had unwittingly-in most cases-already passed inside the area that had been designated-and demarcated by security fences-that were torn down like a straw bale house by the big bad wolf-as a no trespass zone: the fences had been torn down, while the security guards manned the doors like some type of welcoming committee.

It is/was a glorious timing from an execution standpoint-if you consider that allowing the “rabid, dangerous, insurrectionists” to stream into the capital, running headlong into congress in the Monty Python “Run Away mode,” these poor basswiches who were already guilty of trespassing in their own house before even stepping foot in the Capital were now part of the inspiration to elevate the panic exhibited by the legislators who were spoon fed the narrative of how dangerous this crowd was-I mean, pipe-bombs, lions and tigers and bears-oh my! And of course, one had to be shot within the capital to guild the lilly on the danger of it all (plus the fire extinguisher story, up to 10 people died, etc.)

What a hash of an orchestration it was all the way around-the peaceful element contained in front of the capital was jacked into outrage mode by an ill-advised “shoot bean bags, smoke bombs and batter with batons” strategy that was like pouring gas on a fire-on a crowd with nowhere to retreat.

Imagine showing up early to get in line for the best items for a Black Friday sale, only to have security waive you inside the store and then have the police later charge you with breaking and entering and trespassing, because you entered the store before it was “officially open:” on video-guilty without recourse.

It was a brilliant setup if you consider how hokey the whole thing was in comparison to a summer of anarchy and riots where ANTIFA idjiots and the Black Liberation Revival Movement (or as I’ve heard more recently, the “Build Large Mansions” movement where ~33% of funds raised have been spent on “the cause,”) burned, looted, murdered and perpetrated anarchy, and yet only a handful of these “mostly peaceful” arsonists, looters, and criminals-who it is estimated caused billions of dollars in damages and murdered nearly a dozen people-ever faced justice.

As contrasted with-under the same supposed justice system-where the 6 January crowd has been castigated, pilloried, locked up in the gulag of rogue DC like some third world nation political criminals.

Hunted down with an embarrassing fervor reminiscent of witch hunts throughout world history where political or racial overtones made a mockery of justice, in this instance characterized by and considering the lack of apparent interest in pursuing the pipe bombers, in the midst of huge crocodile tears over the sanctity of our democratic “election process” that this same cast of LSMBTG could not have been bothered with to protect and defend in the face of blatant and outrageous cheating, theft, manipulation of ballots and outright ridiculous results.

Where we are to believe that a singly unqualified, incapable man who has now become the worst president in American history somehow garnered over 80 million votes in a country that has never seen a candidate eclipse 70 million-and yet we had both candidates somehow do so-in the same election.

Where the same LSMBTG forces embraced, adopted and touted a criminal approach to COVID policy where subject matter experts in these matters believe that the US government policy, including a failure to target treatment for the most vulnerable of our population, while ignoring all evidence of alternative methodologies to employ preventative treatment that was proven through application and administration very early in the “pandemic,” while acting like herd immunity as a long standing element in cures was somehow non-operative, resulted in nearly 400 thousand deaths that could have been prevented: 400 thousand deaths (see in particular “The Real Anthony Fauci” by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.)

Resulting in America-that spends more money on healthcare per capita than any nation on earth-more than most GDPs-having the worst results in terms of death of just about all of the industrialized nations on earth, while adopting silly, nonsensical policy that was feckless-at best-and farcical in most cases, while crippling the American economy and inflicting long lasting wounds across the demographics of our society.

At the heart of these “great mysteries” in America is the stench of LSMBTG labeled-and derided-“conspiracy theories” that-much like the FBI’s pipe bomber, the Supreme Court’s Dodd Decision leaker, the murder/assassination of-in turn-JFK, RFK and MLK, the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa, the Watergate scandal, the Russia, Russia, Russia Pee Pee Hoax, the burying of the story of the Hunter Biden laptop, the theft of the 2020 election, the manufacture of the 6 Jan insurrection, the blowing up of the Russian LNG pipeline-have the hand of the government in them-each and every one of them-and the veneer of credibility brought thereby-but tainted by the stench of incredulity where the average citizen has been taught-learned-that these institutions represented by the LSMBTG cannot be trusted: quite a proposition to think about.

It’s been nearly 60 years since our government was complicit in the murder and subsequent cover-up of our president. We know the contours of the involvement of the mafia, criminal elements of local police, mainline and apparent rogue elements of the CIA and FBI, the malfeasance and criminality of the Secret Service-what they didn’t do, much more than what they did do, as well as CIA contacts in the military, Cuban elements destined for another crack at Castro, and mob hired foreign assassins: all were involved to varying degrees.

But there was only one element that could have covered up the evidence that pointed to the truth of a conspiracy that killed the president from the time JFK’s body left Dallas to return to the swamp and the lies started to flow in a consistent and nonsensical torrent that many believe to this day, starting with a cover-up and lack of an autopsy (a routine, medical causality focused one—like-for instance-where the brain of the deceased is not missing when it takes place) (also see the History Channel series “The Men Who Killed Kennedy”-note it is “men,” not “man”-it was not Oswald-and OBTW-there are 9 episodes in this series that contains the original 6 but also the originally lawsuit blocked last 3 episodes that tell the story of the bullet hole(s) in the windshield of the JFK limousine-from the front, the evidence of “Badge Man” from the Grassy Knoll as well as additional shooters in the Dal-Tex building, the sewer(s) and the underpass, and the case for the involvement of LBJ-yowsa.))

Just to close the above thought-our government-the highest levels-LBJ and the top tier-knew that night-22 November 1963-that our president was killed by at least 3 shooters and as many as 6, who fired a minimum of 9 and as many as 14 shots-JFK had at least 6 wounds and Connally 2: LBJ and RFK had to know this-JFKs physician was there throughout-before the body ever left Parkland Hospital, Dallas. And Oswald was not one of them (shooter.)

Could a government that allowed our president to be assassinated by such a crooked plot-and then covered it up and lied about it and let it stand these past 6 decades-mature into a morally bankrupt state that would think nothing of cheating in a national election to ensure “their” candidate won???

What could be more criminal than murdering the beloved JFK in front of God and everybody-and then covering it up-and going about business as if nothing had happened?

1 June 2023 

LSMBTG: Lamestream media echo chamber (LMEC-L) social media (SM) big tech tyrants (BT) and government (G)

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3 thoughts on “American Free News Network at Two: Standing for Frank Talk, Pointed Criticism and Exposure of Hypocrisy Wherever it is Found”

  1. “…I’m celebrating the glory of the freedom to transmit run on sentences…”

    ‘Tis a freedom I revel in myself, given my own propensity to indulge in opportunities to provide pop entertainment culture or literary references to enhance (or detract, for those who fetishize the concise) the descriptive narratives that at times characterize (or at least accompany) my ramblings.

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