You’ve been lied to. Science has become science fiction. “Satan is the father of lies.” John 8:44 (NIV)
In a world where information is readily available and often presented as undeniable fact, it’s essential to maintain a critical perspective and consider the complexities that exist beyond the surface. As Christians, we are called to seek the truth, and sometimes that means questioning the established narratives, especially when they may conflict with our faith. In this article, we’ll explore some thought-provoking points that challenge conventional science and prompt us to consider a different perspective. Sometimes it may be wise NOT to “trust the science.”
**The Age of the Earth**: While mainstream science commonly cites the age of the Earth as 4.6 billion years, it’s worth acknowledging that this estimation is based on over 70 scientific assumptions. It is not an absolute certainty. As believers, we recognize that God’s creation may hold mysteries that extend beyond human understanding.
**Mount St. Helens and Hawaii**: The dating of rocks from Mount St. Helens (1980)and Hawaii eruptions 200 years ago raises intriguing questions. Laboratory tests have indicated that these rocks appear to be millions of years old, despite their relatively recent formation. These findings remind us that our understanding of geological processes may still be incomplete.
**The Pre-Flood World**: The biblical account of the Great Flood suggests that the Earth before the flood was significantly different from the one we know today. This concept challenges conventional scientific thinking that the earth ages at a constant rate, it may have varied over time. This opens up discussions about the cataclysmic events described in Genesis.
**No Miracles Allowed in Science**
Miracles, as traditionally defined, are typically considered beyond the scope of scientific inquiry due to their supernatural nature. However, it’s important to recognize that the scientific community has its own “miracle” in the Big Bang theory—an event that marks the origin of the known universe. Some might see a paradox or hypocrisy in this:
**Living Trees and Catastrophic Floods**: Some remarkable findings raise questions about the Earth’s history. The existence of living trees that date back a few thousand years challenges the notion of millions of years of geological history. The oldest living tree on the planet is only 4800 years old. Additionally, numerous ancient cultures share oral histories of a catastrophic flood, echoing the biblical narrative.
**Peer Review and Paradigms**: While peer review is a cornerstone of scientific publication, it is not immune to bias. Some argue that today it can perpetuate certain paradigms and censor others. As seekers of the truth we encourage open dialogue and a diversity of perspectives in scientific inquiry.
**Population and Erosion**: The current global population and rates of erosion pose questions about the Earth’s history. If the planet is as old as some scientists suggest, why isn’t the population significantly higher? Likewise, given current rates of erosion, the continents might be expected to look vastly different if they had experienced billions of years of wear and tear. They’d actually be totally flat if the rates of erosion were constant for millions or billions of years.
**Carbon-14 and Dinosaur Bones**: The presence of Carbon-14 in dinosaur bones, an isotope with a relatively short half-life, challenges the idea that these bones could be millions of years old. This finding invites us to reconsider the accepted timeline.
In closing, it’s crucial to approach these questions with an open heart and mind. This shouldn’t be a “close handed” issue. However, we should challenge prevailing scientific views and especially that which being taught as facts to our Children in public schools.
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Excellent! Very thought provoking. Without God, there is no science.