Science Denial at COP 28

The most recent news on the climate front is COP 28, the United Nations Climate Change conference. Thousands of people travelled there in private jets, yachts, airline, and by car to be present while various climate advocacy groups proceeded to announce that the world was on fire, the world is ending, the world will end if we do not stop using fossil fuels. By my rough estimate, 2/3 of the global south population would die should the world stop using fossil fuels, and since most of those present claimed to represent the global south, it definitely brings the real motives and intelligence of these people into question.

The most repeated claim at the conference was that the ‘world is on fire’ and humans are the cause. Having reviewed the numbers for the last 20 years gathered by NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) I can safely say that not only is the world not on fire, but in the US at least there isn’t even an upward trend in temperature. If you don’t believe my evaluation of the numbers, here is the source: The data shows no temperature trend in the last 20 years in the US. The same is true for extreme events. The IPCC claims to have medium confidence that human influence has been found on two kinds of extreme weather events (heat waves and drought), but according to the IPCC medium confidence means a 50-50 chance. For all other extreme events, the IPCC says no human influence has been detected. Don’t believe me? See IPCC AR6 Chapter 12 table 12-12.

While every speaker at COP stood up and announced the world is ending, the scientific data shows zero evidence of even a human influence on temperature and weather, let alone catastrophic influence. Yet because I routinely point out this sort of actual scientific information, I have been classified as a science denier and climate denier. At this point, I wear the labels with pride. In truth, the only people ‘denying science’ are the climate ‘scientists’ such as Michael Mann who continue to preach climate eschatology, without even the slim evidence of the 19th century evangelists that preached their eschatology from the book of Revelations.

After seeing the consensus at COP 28 that fossil fuels must be phased out immediately, I have to ask the question. Why are all the speakers at COP speaking in favor of genocide? And genocide is not an exaggeration. Phase out fossil fuels, and you phase out the fuel that powers every machine used in producing and moving food. That includes tractors, harvesters, cultivators, plows, planters. It also means the phase out of most fertilizers. It means you phase out most insecticides. Famine follows quickly.

Now the global north will be fine for a while. Even if the best source of energy is phased out, farmers will figure out ways to produce enough food for their own country. Prices will go up as harvests are dramatically reduced, and the overall cost of living in the US and other rich countries will go down. But the countries will survive. But in the global south, that is already subsisting on just enough, millions will starve as the global north turns inward to support itself, food exports will disappear, as will other harvest assistance. As people become desperate for the food, water, and energy that fossil fuels produced, unrest and wars will follow, and millions more will die.

This isn’t really speculation, this is observation of the human condition. In effect, the phase out of fossil fuel does prove the eschatology of the 19th century to be true. The four horseman of the apocalypse will ride: Famine, Death, War, and Conquest will ride out of the global south, and gallop onto the global north as the rich countries are forced to fight to protect themselves from the unwashed masses that they have impoverished.

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1 thought on “Science Denial at COP 28”

  1. This is one of the biggest farces that has ever been foisted upon us. It is exactly why I was skeptical of the covid hysteria from Day 1. The “experts” are serial liars. When they’ve been lying about this issue for decades, why would I believe them on anything? They would also say that you can’t look between the legs and tell if it is a boy or a girl.

    Leftism is a religion. It has sacraments, like abortion. Man made climate change is part of that. There are the wolves, who are the people at Davos. They know this is b.s., but they stand to consolidate power and make billions doing it, so they cheer it on. There are the sheep who just believe whatever they are told and never question it. Then there are the true believers, who take on a religious devotion to man made climate change and have convinced themselves that stopping fossil fuels is their 72 virgins. They react like they do because they really believe my commuting 20 miles to work every day is killing them. They don’t have evidence and aren’t interested in evidence. They have faith in a lie and they will take it all the way, including to terrorism, which we are already seeing. They are no different than the Islamic terrorists, they are just further behind in their development of terrorism and less numerous.

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