War Gaming 101: Easy Level

Having traversed the realm of military strategy and planning as an Army Iron Major, seasoned in the doctrines of strategic theory, Clausewitzian philosophy, and adorned with the honorary use fake title of “Jedi Night Staff Officer”, I stood as a stalwart guardian of meticulous planning and foresight. Yet, in the changing landscape of today’s technological revolution, the stark reality dawns upon me….artificial intelligence now wields the capacity to eclipse the feats of an entire small team of Army Planners in a mere blink of an eye, accomplishing in a fleeting 20 seconds what would take us a week or more to meticulously craft and fact check a scenario way back in 2003., and it would be labeled secret or higher…and probably not as good as the following response;

A graduation exercise for a course I once attended… we called it the “8-hour write for Life.” You were given a hypothetical scenario and had to analyze it, then write a report on it…. you only had 8-hours to write an individual response. But we could use any and all resources you would probably have in combat; And it would determine if you graduated the course or not. No stress. 


Test Question: What if water became as valuable as oil? 

Response:  From ChatGPT  3.5 

In a world where water’s value rivals that of today’s oil prices, the very fabric of global geopolitics stands poised for a monumental transformation. Picture a scenario where water becomes a prized commodity, its scarcity altering the landscape of global influence. Nations endowed with bountiful freshwater reserves suddenly find themselves in the spotlight of global power dynamics. Regions like Canada, blessed with expansive freshwater sources like the Great Lakes, rise from the shadows of traditional geopolitical analysis, commanding newfound significance in a world where the scarcity of water drives its unprecedented value. Similarly, countries in South America—such as Brazil and Venezuela—with vast water resources within the Amazon River basin, emerge as pivotal players in a landscape where water’s demand skyrockets.

Conversely, arid regions grappling with limited access to freshwater, think parts of the Middle East and North Africa, face a potential decline in their geopolitical clout. Nations reliant on desalination or transboundary water sources may encounter mounting economic and diplomatic strains. However, countries excelling in water conservation and innovative technologies to manage scarcity, like Israel, could experience a surge in global importance, becoming influential players in water diplomacy and technological advancements.

This hypothetical scenario paints a vivid picture of a world where water’s worth mirrors that of today’s oil, causing a seismic shift in global power dynamics. Nations blessed with ample freshwater resources assume pivotal roles, while those grappling with water scarcity may experience a decline in influence. Adaptability, innovative conservation practices, and diplomatic acumen in managing water-related challenges would become indispensable traits for nations striving for dominance in this potential future reality

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