The Deep Cheap Fake Media

Yes, The Resident of the United States’ dementia was on full display Thursday night.  But the only ones truly surprised about Brandon’s performance were the Cheap Fakes in the lap dog press. They apparently believed their own press clippings about how vibrant the Oval Office occupant is.  The Deep Cheap Fakes, the Dem media, have been exposed. They foisted this old man, record player and all, on us four years ago because of their case of terminal TDS, their hysterical hatred for DJT. The charade is now over. Our so-called mainstream media cannot recover. No one should ever again believe a thing they report, ever!  They are running around now desperately trying to cover themselves with some fictional fig leaves.  But their naked lies are fully exposed and are shriveling in front of our eyes in the cold water of cleansing truth.


They can’t spin their way out of this one.  We, everyone, the world, saw their years of partisanship destroyed with every incoherent syllable their Resident muttered.  Their years of shameless rambling on about the vibrancy of Amtrak Joe was shattered with the unintelligible babbling buffoon who is the Resident.


Yet, after 90 minutes of the White House Nursing Home Show some of these “news” folks were still talking about how the White House and the Biden campaign can recover.  It’s like watching the captain of the Titanic, Edward J. Smith, talk about how the ship can recover as he slides into the cold abyss.


The utter corruption and complete abandonment of any morals or ethics by our former news media is on full display.  They are embarrassed but can’t say so.  They’ve been caught with their hand in the political cookie jar but they won’t allow themselves to even blush.  They can’t be allowed to get away with the hoax they have perpetrated on the American people over the last eight years.  They must be held in contempt and to account.  No letting them off the hook.  They have been hoist by their own corrupt petard and we should remind them of this every second of every day.


The Biden media have been effective at hiding the dementia addled Resident from public scrutiny for years now.  The curtain has been pulled back and it’s time to find out who has really been running the Executive Branch of our government.  Clearly, The Resident hasn’t been.  Who has?  The American voter deserves to know the answer to that question.  No more lame excuses.


The country and the free world can no longer abide a POTUS who shows up to work after 10:30 a.m. and calls a “lid” at 2 p.m. on the three days a week that he works.  After nearly 10 days of abandoning all his Presidential duties to prepare for a debate, this is the best the media and the Dems could come up with.  Over 5 decades of failure were on full display.  Over 5 decades of being wrong could no longer be swept under the rug by Scranton Joe’s handlers.


Joe’s number one handler is “doctor” Jill Biden.  She is now exposed as the power hungry, uncaring phony that she is.  Her lust for power and the spotlight shows a wife who doesn’t really care about the wellbeing of her spouse.  Joe belongs in a nursing home, not on the Presidential campaign trail and Jill knows this better than anyone.  Yet she insists on propping up her ailing “Weekend at Biden’s” partner.  She is truly disgusting.  She’s a doctor alright, a witch doctor.  Emphasis on “witch”.


But even after witnessing the disastrous debate slaughter, CNN stalwart Biden Kool-Aid drinker political commentator Bakari Sellers just couldn’t bring himself to believe they’d all finally been exposed as Biden’s deep fakes by none other than Biden himself.


“CNN political commentator Bakari Sellers saying that Biden is not “going anywhere” and all the people responding negatively to his performance at the debate need to “let go” of their pearls.  “Biden ain’t going nowhere,” Sellers wrote. “It’s June. Let go of your pearls and dry your bed. He lost a debate. Bad. But it’s June. You’re not replacing him. So leave your random combinations in your chats.”


Hollyweird couldn’t make this stuff up.  The Biden media is as delusional as he is.  They suffer from the same dementia.  They are mental patients disguised as news reporters.  Their favorite mental patient is on his way to the rubber room and they are kicking and screaming loudly, to the few who will still listen, that Biden is lucid.


They tell us not to believe our own eyes and ears.  These arrogant elite still deign to do our seeing and hearing and analyzing for us.  “Leave this to the professionals” they tell us plebes.  They really think we will succumb to their myth making and disregard what we all saw and heard last night.


The debate last night would be funny, if the implications weren’t so dangerous.  Having dementia addled Biden as President is not only bad for our country, but disastrous for the free world.  The Democrats and their media partners are at this moment working in overdrive to dispel last night’s debate as just a “one off”. They are saying it was just a bad night for Biden, as if he’s gonna get better in the next weeks and months.  Spoiler Alert:  He’s gonna get WORSE, not better.


The real loser of the debate last night was the corrupt legacy news media.  They have been gaslighting us about Biden.  They want us to believe they too are shocked, shocked that Biden is actually an incoherent babbling hot mess.  They had no idea!  In November the American voter will not let the Democrat Party and its legacy news media get away with shoving The Resident on us for four brutal years.  History will not be kind to a Washington press corps that was derelict in its duty to report honestly to the American people.  And the American people will not let them forget this horrid episode.




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