Google & Meta “Deleted” Trump Assassination Attempt

Google & Meta "Deleted" Trump Assassination Attempt

In the George Orwell book “1984,” Winston Smith works for the Ministry of Truth and his job is, literally, to rewrite everything, bringing it in line with the current & ever-changing Marxist BS emanating from Big Brother, whether it be a document that is a few days old or years old. When a member of the Inner Party falls …

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MSNBC Worried That Their Talking Heads’ #TrumpDerangementSyndrome Will Be Exposed Even More

MSNBC was widely mocked after they sidestepped their AM show, Morning Joe, on Monday, due to fears that one or more of hosts Joe Scarborough’s and Mika Brzezinski Scarborough’s guests, or perhaps the couple themselves, might say something just boneheadedly crazy following the assassination attempt aimed at former President Donald Trump. That fear was hardly …

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The Deep Cheap Fake Media

The real loser of the debate last night was the corrupt legacy news media.  They have been gaslighting us about Biden.  They want us to believe they too are shocked, shocked that Biden is actually an incoherent babbling hot mess.  They had no idea!  In November the American voter will not let the Democrat Party and its legacy news media get away with shoving The Resident on us for four brutal years. 

As Trump’s Poll Numbers Rise, Arizona Democrats Are Getting Desperate

President Trump is six points ahead of Demented Joe in the polls. To ensure a “win” for Biden this November, Arizona’s Democrat AG has created another lawfare case straight from Orwell’s “1984.”