2024 New Hampshire Primary: Expectations, Guarantees and Predictions
The New Hampshire primary is upon us as the second contest of the rapidly concluding Republican nomination process.
Citizen Writers Fighting Censorship by Helping Americans Understand Issues Affecting the Republic.
The New Hampshire primary is upon us as the second contest of the rapidly concluding Republican nomination process.
I laid out the polling, guarantees and my expectations in a previous post. I never liked the taste of crow, but I’ll eat it. Two of the three guarantees were closer than the polling was, but they were still wrong. A guarantee is a guarantee. I hope you didn’t wager any money on my predictions and guarantees.
It is game day in the 2024 Iowa Republican Caucus. After over a year of direct campaigning and hundreds of media polls and analysis, we will have actual voters show up and vote to kick the process off.
I discussed the issues with the accuracy of general election polling over the last several election cycles in Part 1. Part 2 will discuss 2024 primary polls. Primary polls are even more unreliable and even harder to do. That has always been true and is even more difficult now with the lack of landlines and …
Primary polls are even more unreliable harder to do than for general elections. That has always been true and is even more difficult now with the lack of landlines and the pathetically low participation rates.
Yossi Gestetner claims that by losing a primary, a candidate has shown they are not the stronger general election candidate as a result of not winning more primary votes than another candidate. The article goes on to explain that if a candidate was better, they would win the primary, as they need those voters to win the general. I disagree completely.
Children need a Report Card to evaluate their performance. Since most of the participants in the second debate acted like children, I will oblige and give them their grades.
The Silent Generation and Boomers have run this country for decades, knowing Social Security would implode and have flat refused to do anything about it.