A Deliberate Crisis

Image by andreas160578 from Pixabay

      The Masters of the Universe have gathered at Davos, Switzerland.  They are pompous, arrogant, devious and uncaring, yet they are open about who they are and what they want to accomplish.  Bond villain, Klaus Schwab, who heads up the World Economic Forum (WEF), said so himself,

“Let’s also be clear: The future is not just happening. The future is built by us. By a powerful community as [sic] you here in this room. We have the means to improve the state of the world.”


      No that’s not a quote from Hitler.  It’s a quote from the pointy-headed, geek-globalist, elitist geniuses who think they know best how to run the world.  That starts with tackling so-called climate change.  These snobs haven’t had to pump their own gas in years, but they know how best to live our lives.  The pain at the pumps is purposeful.


Here’s a sample of some of the agenda items at the WEF conference (emphasis mine):

  • “Trading Places: Can Commodity Companies Become Climate Heroes?”
  • “Why LGBTQ Representation Should be a Priority for Business and Media”
  • “Beyond Pledges: Inclusive Partnerships to Move Towards Climate Resilience”
  • “Safeguarding our Planet and People: A Call for Climate Action at Davos 2022”

Notice a theme here?


      Enter the bumbling, stumbling Brandon regime.  This regime is chock full of like-minded one world government types.  John “Lurch” Kerry and Al “the Stiff” Gore clones populate the Biden admin.  They all believe (falsely) that mankind causes global warming, and that global warming is an existential threat.  Yes, this is the same crowd that shouts for the government to take away our right to keep and bear arms as they jet around the world lecturing at us about how we are to blame for climate change, all the while surrounded by private armed security guards. 


      Senile Joe’s cabinet officers are as dishonest and inept as he is.  He feels more comfortable that way, surrounded by his own kind.  His Energy Secretary knows nothing about energy.  Jennifer Granholm actually laughed out loud about trying to lower gasoline prices.  She thinks paying $5/gallon gas is funny.  Hardy har har.  Eleven straight days of record setting gas prices is funnier than a barrel of monkeys.  Like Kamala, when you don’t have a coherent thought in your head, laugh.


      During testimony in the Senate, Granholm had the nerve to blame Vladimir Putin for the high price of gasoline.  Do you think she knows that we didn’t elect Putin to set U.S. policy?  In fact, we didn’t elect Joe either, but that’s a topic for another essay.  Sen. Josh Hawley (R) MO stopped her dead in her lying tracks:

“Oh nonsense.  With all due respect, madam secretary, that’s utter nonsense. In January 2021, the average gas price in my state was $2.07. Eight months later, eight months later, long before Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine, that price was up over 30% and it’s been going up consistently since. What are you doing to reverse this administration’s policies that are drawing down our own supply of energy in this country that are throttling oil and gas production in the United States?” 

      He went on further to brilliantly outline specifically the many ways Joe Biden has purposely hamstringed the U.S. energy sector.

“Here’s what your president did when he first came to office, he immediately reentered the Paris Climate Accord, he canceled the Keystone pipeline, he halted leasing programs in ANWR, he issued a 60-day halt on all new oil and gas leases on federal lands and waters — that’s nationwide and accounts for 25% of U.S. oil production — he directed federal agencies to eliminate all supports for fossil fuels, he imposed new regulations on oil and gas and methane emissions. Those were all just in the first few days. Are you telling me that’s had no effect on our energy supply?”


      He nailed it and her to the wall.  She had no answers for bringing down gas prices or increasing the supply of oil, gas and coal. 


      Our transportation sector runs on fossil fuel.  You wouldn’t know that if you listen to our Howdy Doody look-alike Transportation Secretary, Mayor Pete.  Fresh and perky from his

(Mayor Pete is pictured on the far left)

eight-week, taxpayer funded Maternity/Chestfeeding Leave, Mayor Pete made his pronouncement on the gas hike crisis, buy electric vehicles.  Never mind that EV’s are, on average, priced at $55k+, per Kelly Blue Book.  Even the average new sports car is priced below $45,000.  As folks’ wages are falling behind record inflation rates, Mayor Pete had no answers on where suburban and urban drivers could come up with the extra cash for new EV’s.  Although only a wooden dummy, Howdy Doody actually made more sense when he spoke than Mayor Pete.  And Howdy Doody was never caught transferring from a gas guzzling SUV to a bicycle on his way to work to fool everyone into believing how “green” he was.  


      Brandon himself recently admitted that the pain at the pump is the price we all must pay for an incredibly glorious transition into the new “green” economy of the future.  You know, the dystopian one. 

“[When] it comes to the gas prices, we’re going through an incredible transition that is taking place that, God willing, when it’s over, we’ll be stronger and the world will be stronger and less reliant on fossil fuels when this is over.”     


      The “god” he was referring to must be Gaia.  So just shut up and stop complaining about the new religion of climate alarmism.  Get over it already, peasant!  There you have it folks.  Proof from the Wizard of Oz himself that all the gas pain is on purpose.  That gives me gas pain.  Globalists of the world, unite!


      Good ole Lunch Bucket Joe told us during the 2020 campaign that he was going to end fossil fuels.  That’s exactly what he’s doing.  To hell with your suffering.  This is for the greater good.


      And all of this is due to the biggest “scientific” hoax since Piltdown Man, manmade global warming. Piltdown man was supposed to be the great discovery of the “missing link” between early man and ape.  Of course, it was a fraud.  Green energy is the missing link between man and everlasting clean energy.  It’s a fraud.  Green energy is a Rube Goldberg perpetual motion green energy machine of hot air. 


      Mankind can heat or cool the planet as easily as it can send a man to land on the Sun and return him safely to Earth.  We are carbon-based beings.  Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant, regardless of what the EPA says.  The climate Chicken Littles can’t tell us what the proper climate of the earth should be.  Should it be the climate before, during or after the various ice ages our planet has experienced?  They can’t even tell us with any degree of certainty what the temperature in your town will be next Friday, yet they claim to know what the Earth’s temperature will be 70 years from now.  Don’t believe them.  The biggest determinant of the Earth’s temperature is the Sun, and they hate that they can’t control that like they can control you, if you let them. 


      The government didn’t force us away from horses and buggies and into automobiles at the turn of the last century.  But now they are trying to force us back to modern-day horses and buggies in the form of so-called green energy.  Global warming isn’t manmade, but this gas price hike certainly is.  It is a deliberate crisis brought to us by our betters, the climate Nazis.




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4 thoughts on “A Deliberate Crisis”

  1. You can’t argue with those people. All you can do is replace them, or something else, get rid of them.
    They want what they want, not what the country demands. and, in the words of the left, they will get their way, “by any means necessary.”
    When reason and logic, and a passion for not following the Constitution are all that there is around us, this is the kind of country we get.
    It is all intentional.

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