There will always be wars. Yet, every war isn’t inevitable. At the moment of the final decision, it’s a choice. War is terrible. All war is evil. Some wars are necessary. The consequences of war are too important to leave supervision to the generals and admirals. Likewise, wars are too important to let elected officials supervise them willy-nilly as the foolish politicians most of them are. Wars are worthy of study by all citizens.
There’s no such thing as a “Just War.” There are necessary wars, but they’re hardly worthy of the title “Just” as in justified or justice. Consequently, there are no good wars. Evil abounds in every war fought. War should be avoided at a high cost and fought when they are forced upon us. “Us” is the sovereign citizens of our States and these United States.
The War in Ukraine is simmering pot of hot dung about to explode at any moment into global catastrophe.
Yes, the Ukrainians are defending themselves from an invasion, like Confederate soldiers did when the Union Armies invaded their sovereign States. That’s honorable. But, is defending Ukraine’s border worth a nuclear war with Russia?
Berlin was worth it. The Communist Soviet Empire had an ideological mission to conquer the world. Fighting the Soviets in Germany made more sense than waiting to fight them in America. The World War II lessons learned on appeasement seemed valid beyond a shadow of a doubt.
There’s doubt about Ukraine. Yes, appeasing Putin wouldn’t placate his desire to restore the old CCCP of his KGB youth. But, staving off a complete defeat and the loss of territory full of Russian-speaking people might restore peace. Will it stop Putin or others in the future? Each situation in international relations is its own unique puzzle. Analogies never really apply accurately enough to act upon them. The facts speak.
Like the right of self-determination. When Muslim Albanians became 90% of the population of Kosovo, the ancient borders bought in blood didn’t matter. NATO, led by the U.S., bombed Serbia, killing over 2,000 civilians to make Serbs obey our orders. Self-determination trumped established borders.
Should self-determination or borders matter to the Russian-speaking majority in Crimea and the eastern Oblasts?
Russia may have invaded to conquer all of Ukraine. A peace might be wrought with letting Russia keep Crimea after a plebiscite – assuming one could be conducted without results-changing fraud and if the Oblasts became an autonomous zone. A “Moldova” of some sort.
It would take extraordinary negotiating to understand and satisfy both Ukrainian and Russian expectations for what peace looks like in those eastern Oblasts. Is it more complicated than the “Occupied” territories Israel has held since the 1967 War? Peace can be had when people seek it.
America opening its check book to Ukraine to defend Ukraine’s borders while America is wide open to illegal aliens is an incongruous practice. Actually, it’s an impeachable high crime.
Meanwhile, how is U.S. support to Ukraine different from Soviet support to North Vietnam during our Vietnam War? Is there any doubt that we are allied with Ukraine if not an actual combatant, yet?
When the U.S. gets better adult leadership, the good work accomplished by Presidents Teddy Roosevelt (Portsmouth Peace Treaty ending Russo-Japanese War), Carter (Camp David Accords), Clinton (Dayton Accords), Trump (Abraham Accords), as well as Elihu Root (Nobel Prize for arbitration treaties with 24 nations), George Mitchell (Good Friday Agreement), and Colin Powell (Sudan peace agreement) can be done again.
Peace is more important than prosecuting this war to either side’s victory. Consider how a war of folly begets wars of necessity. World War I was a most avoidable war, which truly began in the folly of men. World War I set the stage for World War II. The bad peace dictated from Versailles didn’t vindicate the loss after four years of war as industrial mass murder.
Already, the losses on both sides have created about 150 more years of hatred down to the grandchildren of the grandchildren of the combatants.
The U.S. and Russia missed the 20 year window where we could have become real partners in peace, not just in name only. There’ll be a new window of opportunity if this war is stopped at the peace table and after Putin gone.
Likewise, the window of opportunity to avoid a terrible war with China is closing. There are many ways, if you think about it, to keep us from destroying each other.
The past was just a perilous for people as now. The difference now is how many people can be killed so quickly and the earth transformed so terribly. All the more reason to prepare for war to win it and seek peace wherever possible.
Meanwhile, the long wars against Human Secular Totalitarianism and Islamist Totalitarianism continue apace – while a war with Russia over Ukraine and China over Taiwan could be just around the corner.
I hope and sincerely pray that both of the regional conflicts can be kept from becoming our demise.
It takes strength and leadership. Ron DeSantis could fill the bill better than any other candidate to gather the former and provide the latter for America and the West.
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