World War III Watch: the British and French are discussing sending their own troops to fight in Ukraine

Sometimes there are little things hidden inside of more sensationalized stories. Though we haven’t seen as much about this recently — our American credentialed media were fixated on the election, and Israel’s war against the Palestinians — meaning that the Russo-Ukrainian War has somewhat faded into the background. Stories about foreign soldiers who traveled to …

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Screw Up-Move Up: The Continuing Promotion Of And Lack Of Accountability For Kabul’s Failed Generals Hint: I know some of them.

Afghanistan was such a disaster not only due to the preventable loss of thirteen brave Americans at the Abbey Gate but also because of the message of weakness heard around the world.

World War III Watch: This is Entirely Jimmy Carter’s Fault

If, on November 5, 1979, President Carter had told the Ayatollah Khoumeini, in no uncertain terms, that either our embassy personnel being held hostage would be safely on a plane, heading out of Iran, within 72 hours, or we would regret their passing in the attack which reduced Tehran and Qom to radioactive black holes …

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The Associated Press Make Story About Rescue of Two Israeli Hostages All About the Poor, Poor Palestinians!

Maybe Hamas shouldn’t have started a war they knew they couldn’t win? The Israel Defense Force have rescued two elderly hostages seized by Hamas in the October 7th terror raid, but Associated Press reporters Najib Jobain, Josef Federman, and Samy Magdy want you to sympathize with the Palestinian Arabs who held them captive! Israeli forces …

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