Ending Qualified Immunity: Part 1
U.S. Code allows for civil redress against any person acting on behalf of a government entity who deprives another person of their constitutional rights.
Citizen Writers Fighting Censorship by Helping Americans Understand Issues Affecting the Republic.
U.S. Code allows for civil redress against any person acting on behalf of a government entity who deprives another person of their constitutional rights.
We reported, on October 5th, on the charges against Cody Monroe Heron, 26, the (alleged) numbskull who road raged against a delivery driver, who jumped on the trunk of her car, stomped out the rear window, showering kids in the back seat with shattered safety glass. Steve Keeley of Fox 29 News reported that the police-hating, George …
Larry Krasner, the George Soros-sponsored, police hating defense lawyer who is currently serving as Philadelphia’s District Attorney says, in his brief Twitter bio, that he “fights for equal justice for the great people of Philadelphia. Not so fast Pal.
Next time you hear someone yell “(fill in the blank)” justice, grab your wallet and run in the opposite direction. These phony “justice” schemes are being pushed by leftists everywhere, including black-robed Dem hacks disguised as judges and George Soros DA’s who think DA stands for defense attorney.
We agree to abide by the law, in exchange for a system that treats us equally. Then Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, and Merrick Garland came along.