Today’s Journalism: Experience & Honesty Not Required

Good journalism, somebody once said, is a nation talking to itself. That’s “talking to itself,” not yelling, screaming, shrieking, talking over one another, and generally engaging in verbal bullying. Yet that is just about all we see on prime-time television, especially cable television. Prime-time cable TV outlets such as Fox, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, etc., continue …

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Journalism Then And Now

I believe real journalism has fallen. Or has at least taken a sabbatical. And the people that think they are “journalists” seem to be lacking a spine. Take for example the White House Press Corp. Will hard hitting questions and challenge ever return? Taking a cue from the Kingston Trio, “Will they ride forever through …

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A Free Press: RIP

Same paper, same dates, different markets. Is this real or fake? Media sometimes caters to what their audience predominantly wants to hear.  Financial Samurai “A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”  John F. Kennedy Freedom …

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The Left Really Does Hate Freedom of Speech and The Press

Freedom of speech

As we have previously reported, the professional media can get very, very upset when other professional media members report things that do not fit Teh Narrative. Admittedly, I was using the professional media in Philadelphia as my focus, as I frequently express my interest in our nation’s sixth-largest city. But it isn’t just Philly, as …

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I guess I am now an extremist!

     Nowadays, you are called an extremist by your political opponent, rather than having simple political disagreement. That is a result of cancelling speech, making speech so untenable by one side that all you can do is resort to name calling, since they have no other way to defend an argument. Some call that tyranny, …

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