The Zenith of the Green New Scam; The dire predictions and vast benefits haven’t panned out

The computerized climate models from the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia and other institutions laid the “scientific” foundation for the catastrophic anthropogenic global warming theory that has led to the subsequent 30+ years of climate hysteria and a politicization of the study of the weather and climate in general. The result …

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The Paris Treaty – Actual Grounds for Impeachment

According to the Constitution of the US, an international treaty must be approved by a 2/3 vote of the Senate. Obama clearly knew he would never get that, so it was never presented to the Senate.

Climate Change Hoax Will Destroy Western Civilization

  “97% of scientists agree with whoever is funding them.” Anonymous   What does it mean when entire governments of major Western powers transform themselves, in unison, mind you, from legitimate, responsible governments to misbegotten, autocratic, bastardized versions of what they once were?  Is there some centralized power emerging that is dictating new policy?  Is …

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