Taking A Detour On The Road to Liberty
If you are seeking liberty by attempting to clean up the government or politicians you will be scrubbing for a while and will probably not get much done.
Citizen Writers Fighting Censorship by Helping Americans Understand Issues Affecting the Republic.
If you are seeking liberty by attempting to clean up the government or politicians you will be scrubbing for a while and will probably not get much done.
Jingle Bells…. Here comes omicron, here comes omicron, Still bounding down the lane. The media, WHO, and federal agencies, Really sound so lame. Feds still pinging, Their hands wringing, Preaching words of dread. And the White House wish to you for New Year is………. Hope you don’t wind up dead. Does anyone else feel we’re …
COVID-shot Echoes: I Had a Most Odd Experience Saturday In “My troubling COVID vaccine story experiences,” I wrote last year about how within a short period of time I met three men at the same recreational area who announced to me they’d had heart attacks. All three had previously taken the coronavirus genetic-therapy agents (GTAs, …
Our American way of life has been significantly (and perhaps permanently) hamstrung by the likes of people claiming to want to “keep us safe.”
“You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.I hope someday you’ll join us, and the world will live as one.”
– John Lennon, final chorus from the song Imagine
Greetings my fellow Americans! While I’ve striven with most of my AFNN posts thus far to focus more on how we may actually move forward as believers in unalienable rights endowed by our Creator, I thought it worthwhile to reflect upon and examine how we’ve reached the state of affairs in which we find ourselves …
That governments around the world (including—and perhaps led by—the U.S.) have long ago ceased to “follow the science,” where responses to the virus known as COVID-19 (and its variants) are concerned, should elicit little surprise in, or argument from, the general public by now. Throughout this so-called pandemic, seeming nonsensical, ungrounded, and borderline nefarious …
In response to questions about the vaccine mandate, Dr. Fauci, our intrepid pandemic guardian, says that we need to put our personal freedoms on hold for a bit – for the greater good. Um, no! That’s not how our freedoms work. From my reading of the Declaration of Independence, our freedoms are granted …
The unraveling of the American culture and society is neither a sudden nor unexpected phenomenon. What is witnessed today is the deterioration of our national foundations from folly in the past decades. A horrible reality is now appearing.
There’s something very important going on in Canada right now. For weeks, truckers across the nation have engaged in a massive protest against the country’s COVID measures. Rather than discuss their grievances, Prime Minister Trudeau has demanded that the truckers stop their protest immediately. And then he went into hiding