A Little Ditty About Renegade and Evergreen
A Break-Break From the Beast Edition
With Apologies to Billy Joel (and “We Didn’t Start the Fire”)
Citizen Writers Fighting Censorship by Helping Americans Understand Issues Affecting the Republic.
A Break-Break From the Beast Edition
With Apologies to Billy Joel (and “We Didn’t Start the Fire”)
While Arquette obviously feels empathy for the Ukrainian people, which is admirable, she might want to brush up on her knowledge of history and current events.
Part 7 looks at the Joint Russia-China corporatist scenario. At what point would the differences rupture cooperation? In the event of a rupture, would one turn on the other? Could China buy up Russian companies and co-opt the interests of the kleptocrats or are their cultures and motives too dissimilar?
One thing is clear, there are stresses in the mix. Lukoil shines a spotlight on them.
Is Putin losing his grip if LukOil feels like they can criticize his strategy and call for an end to it?
When you have spare time on your hands, it’s easy to waste that time doing fun things, unimportant things, nonconsequential things. You usually find such time after you’ve worked hard to accomplish your tasks, usually ahead of schedule. Having the time to do those silly things is a reward for completing your mission with …
Despite the best efforts of the Democrats to keep him out: building fences, beefing up the security forces, keeping hundreds of innocent Americans in prison as a warning that Congress was serious about keeping the Donald at bay, he showed up anyway. It was as masterful escapade, showing up disguised as Joe Biden
More devastating political parody from the acerbic keyboard of Albert Constantine Jr.
Remember the halcyon days of 2020 and 2021, in which Philadelphia, among most major cities, allowed restaurants which had been otherwise closed to indoor dining, to expand, where they physically could, to outdoor dining facilities? A challenging problem in a city which experiences severe winters, outdoor dining and increased carry-out ordering enabled many restaurants to …
In August, Reuters reported that, according to their sources (four current and former law enforcement officials): “The FBI has so far found no evidence that he [Trump] or people directly around him were involved in organizing the violence.”
The timing of a graphic artist’s blunder at WTAE-TV in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, couldn’t possibly have been worse – or better – depending on your opinion of Joe Biden.
A Little Ditty About Renegade and Evergreen*, Two Politicians (Trying the Best that they can) or Magicians Who Make Things Disappear and Employ Squirrel Tactics
In a speech that really needed to move the needle on President Joe Biden’s tanking approval numbers, his Adderall-fueled State of the Union address was filled with gaffes, lies and most significantly, his stubborn refusal to abandon his administration’s dangerous policies.
Don’t be fooled by hollow words tonight. We are experiencing inflation of geometric proportions- worse than we experienced while Jimmy Carter got bit by a rabbit at THE WHITEHOUSE.
We don’t know if Ray Epps will be the key to exposing a deep state conspiracy. But, the circumstances of his involvement in January 6 beg for a serious inquiry.
There is one phrase that sticks out in my mind concerning Hurricane Katrina, the category 5 hurricane that struck New Orleans, LA head on in 2005, ‘Don’t get stuck on stupid.’ LTG Russel Honoré was in charge of 22,000 troops deployed to assist with the recovery effort in LA. A nagging reporter …
If your next-door neighbor petitioned your town zoning board to allow them to have an entire herd of African elephants in their backyard, you would be very upset. If the board negotiated with your neighbor to allow only 5 bull elephants in their backyard, instead of an entire herd, you would …
Whether by plan, by necessity, or a combination of both, the NRA feeds a movement that’s bigger than itself.